Did Baby Grogu make an appearance in our soap? - Love Spell Take 2 - Cold Process Soap Making

3 years ago

#smallsoapchannel #handmadesoap #soapmaking
We decided that we needed to redo the love spell soap. I won't call the first time a fail - but I knew I just could do better - and a plus side means we have more colors to play with when it comes to Bath Bombs to go with it.

So look closely during the cut at the fist 2 soaps I show....Baby Grogu is there!!! I cannot confirm or deny that I may have been binge watching The Mandalorian & Boba Fett and really really want a REAL baby Grogu for my own!! Do you think my daughter would be upset if I started calling my new granddaughter Baby Grogu (just thinking out loud here)???

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Serenade by Scandinavianz & Limujii
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/2UdYiBd
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/XLm5D-R6rN0

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