Laying the Foundation, Part 9, Resurrection of the Body - Derek Prince

2 years ago

Derek Prince Sermons: Resurrection of the Body - This is an original Bible Study, teaching by Derek Prince. In this comprehensive series, Derek Prince walks you step by step through this essential foundational building process.

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Table of Contents:
I. Introduction (Heb. 6:2)
A. Resurrection: “To stand up again”
B. Human personality consists of: (1 Thess. 5:23)
1. Body
2. Soul
3. Spirit
4. The body dies and is resurrected; spirit and soul continue to exist
C. Departed soul/spirit in Sheol/Hades (Luke 16:22–26)
1. Persistence of personality—no loss of identity
2. Recognition of persons
3. Recollection of life on earth
4. Consciousness of present conditions
5. A complete separation between righteous and unrighteous
D. Before Jesus’ death:
1. All souls passed into Hades (Greek)—Sheol (Hebrew)
a. The unseen world
b. The place of departed souls
2. Two separate areas for righteous and unrighteous—the righteous in Abraham’s
E. At Jesus’ death:
1. Jesus’ spirit was committed to the Father (Luke 23:46)
2. Jesus’ soul descended into Sheol/Hades (Acts 2:31; 1 Peter 3:18–19)
3. Jesus’ body was laid in the tomb (John 19:40–42)
F. At Jesus’ resurrection—spirit and soul reunited with body
G. After death and resurrection of Jesus, destiny of righteous believers changes
1. Spirits of believers ascend directly to God
a. Stephen (Acts 7:59)
b. Paul (Phil. 1:23–24)
2. Jesus’ death and resurrection affected the whole universe
3. He released the righteous from Hades
II. Jesus’ Resurrection Guarantees Ours
A. Resurrection compared to a birth (Col. 1:18)
1. Jesus the first-born of the dead
2. Jesus is the head
3. The body is the church (all true believers)
4. When the head is born, the body will follow
B. His resurrection body is a pattern for ours (Phil. 3:20–21)
1. Our body of humiliation will become glorious
2. Changed to the likeness of His body
3. Everyone who has this hope purifies himself (1 John 3:2)
C. His resurrection body not limited by space or time
D. Pattern of seed: continuity plus change (1 Cor. 15:35–38)
1. Our body at death is planted like a seed
2. Continuity: You get what you plant
3. Change: The result is much different from the actual seed, i.e.: If you plant an apple
seed, you get an apple tree but the result, the tree, is much different from the seed
4. Jesus identified His body as the same body that was crucified (Luke 24:38–39; John
E. Five specific changes in our resurrection bodies: (1 Cor. 15:42–44, 52–53)
1. Corruptible – Incorruptible
(subject to decay)
2. Mortal – Immortality
(subject to death)
3. Dishonor – Glory
4. Weakness – Power
5. Natural – Spiritual (as opposed to soulish)
F. Attestation of Jesus’ resurrection
1. Everything depends on this fact (1 Cor. 15:14)
2. Primarily Old Testament Scriptures
a. The prophets’ messages were for us, not them (1 Pet. 1:10–12)
b. Psalm 16:9–11
c. Psalm 7:20–21
d. Hosea 6:1–2; Eph. 2:4–6
3. Secondarily, human witnesses
III. Importance Of Resurrection
A. God’s vindication of Jesus (Rom. 1:3–4)
B. The basis for our justification
1. Romans 4:25
2. Romans 10:9–10
C. The guarantee of Christ’s power to save (Heb. 7:25)
D. The completion of our redemption
1. Our resurrection body is the completion of our salvation (Phil. 3:10–12)
2. Romans 8:23
E. The consummation of union (1 Thess. 4:17)
F. The resurrection in three phases: (1 Cor. 15:22–24)
1. Christ the firstfruits (Lev. 23:10–11; Matt. 27:51–53)
2. Those who are Christ’s at His coming
a. 1 Thessalonians 4:16–17
b. Revelation 20:4
c. (End of first resurrection—Rev. 20:5)
3. Final general resurrection (Rev. 20:12–13)


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