Laying The Foundation, Part 5, Immersion in Water - Derek Prince

2 years ago

Derek Prince Sermons: Immersion in Water - This is an original Bible Study, teaching by Derek Prince. In this comprehensive series, Derek Prince walks you step by step through this essential foundational building process.

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Table of Contents:
I. Doctrine Of Baptisms
A. Hebrews 6:2
B. Three different baptisms in the New Testament
1. John’s baptism
2. Christian baptism
3. Holy Spirit baptism
C. To baptize:
1. Immerse: Fully cover with water
a. Put something down into water
b. Pour water over from above
2. Baptize “in” or “into”
a. “In” refers to element in which you are baptized
b. “Into” refers to result that is produced
II. John’s Baptism
A. Mark 1:2–5
1. To prepare Israel for the Messiah
a. Messiah could not come until they were prepared
b. Messiah will not come again until we are prepared
2. Dispensational link from law to grace
B. Three main requirements:
1. Repentance
a. A decision
b. An action
2. Public confession of sins
3. Evidence of a changed life (Matt. 3:7–8)
C. Limitations:
1. Did not produce new birth (Matt. 11:11)
2. After Pentecost, not a substitute for Christian baptism (Acts 19:1–5)
III. Christian Baptism
A. Pattern of how to fulfill all righteousness: Jesus (Matt. 3:13–17)
1. Baptism has the approval of all 3 members of the Godhead
2. Acquitted, reckoned righteous and made righteous: justified (Rom. 5:1)
B. A commitment to life and death
1. Pattern of Jesus (Luke 12:50)
2. Your life does not belong to you after baptism
C. Requirements for Christian baptism
1. Hear the gospel (Matt. 28:19–20)
a. Jesus died
b. Jesus was buried
c. Jesus rose again
2. Repentance (Acts 2:38)
3. Faith/belief (Mark 16:15–16)
4. A good conscience toward God (1 Peter 3:21)
D. Teaching for baptism does not take long
1. Pentecost: 3,000 baptized that day (Acts 2:41)
2. Ethiopian eunuch: A few hours (Acts 8:36)—the “preaching of Jesus”
included baptism
3. The household of Cornelius: The same day (Acts 10:48)
4. The Philippian jailer: before dawn came (Acts 16:33)
E. Spiritual significance
1. Identification with Jesus in: (Rom. 6:3–11)
a. His death
b. His burial
c. His resurrection
2. When we are baptized we die, we are buried and we are resurrected
3. Dead to sin, but alive to Christ (Col. 2:11–12)
F. Related facts
1. Baptized into Christ, not a church or a denomination (Gal. 3:27)
2. Effective only through faith (Col. 2:12)
3. New life empowered by the Holy Spirit (Rom. 1:4)
4. No one in New Testament was saved without being baptized (Mark 16:16)
G. Old Testament picture of baptism: Noah’s Ark (1 Peter 3:20–21)
1. Ark = Jesus Christ
2. Flood = Baptism in water
3. Out of the flood = New life


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Videos in this Series:

1. Founded on the Rock
2. Authority and Power of God's Word
3. Through Repentance to Faith
4. Faith and Works
5. Immersion in Water
6. Immersion in the Spirit
7. Transmitting God's Power
8. At the End of Time
9. Resurrection of the Body
10. Final Judgment


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