The Roman Pilgrimage Volume 4, Part 4 (Romans 15:7 - 16:27) - Walking Out Your Faith Under Pressure

2 years ago

Walking Out Your Faith Under Pressure Chapters 12 to 16 of Romans are the "nitty-gritty," down-to-earth truths on how to live what you believe. They are nothing less than your key to survival!

Bible Teaching Resources:

Table of Contents:
I. 15:8–13 How the Gospel affects Jews and Gentiles
15:8–9a Double outworking of Christ’s ministry:
1. to fulfill God’s covenant promises to Israel—thus producing
fruit from seed already planted
2. to offer mercy to Gentiles not based on a previous covenant—
thus sowing seed where it had not been sown before
15:9b–12 Old Testament Scriptures promising mercy to Gentiles: Ps. 18:49;
Deut. 32:43; Ps. 117:1; Is. 11:10
15:13 The outcome: filled by the Holy Spirit with all joy, peace, faith,
J. 15:14–21 Principles and accomplishments of Paul’s ministry
15:14–16 Paul tactfully affirms his apostolic—and priestly—calling to
present the Gentile church as a sanctified offering to God
15:17–19 Paul boasts of what Christ has done through the gospel “fully
preached”—i.e. with miracles and supernatural power—producing
wholehearted obedience from the Gentiles (compare 1 Cor. 2:1–5)
It is right to boast in Christ and the cross (Phil. 3:3; Gal. 6:14)
15:20–21 Paul’s motivation: to reach the unreached (compare Is. 52:15)
K. 15:22–29 Paul’s projected “itinerary”
15:22–28 First, to bring an offering from Gentiles to poor Jewish believers
(material repayment of a spiritual debt)—then to visit Rome on his
way to Spain
15:29 Paul’s confidence in his God-given ministry
L. 15:30–33 Personal request for prayer
15:30–32 Specific needs explained
Acts 21–28 Specific answers recorded
Intercessors and proclaimers must strive (agonize) together—
Paul’s life depended on the outcome
15:33 Recurring emphasis: the God of peace (compare 16:20; 2 Cor.
13:11; Phil. 4:9; 1 Thess. 5:23; 2 Thess. 3:16; Heb. 13:20)
Peace (shalom) = harmony, wholeness, completeness, every
account settled
M. 16:1–23 Personal greetings and news
16:1–16, 21–23 Paul mentions 36 individuals—all but 2 by name
Right doctrine must produce right relationships—God is concerned
for individuals and we must be too
Associated with Paul in ministry:
Phoebe (1–2); Prisca, Aquila (3–4); Epaenetus (5); Andronicus,
Junias (7); Urbanus (9); Timothy (21); Tertius (22)
Relatives of Paul:
Andronicus, Junias (7); Herodion (11); Rufus (13); Lucius, Jason,
Sosipater (21)
Heads of households:
Prisca, Aquila (3–4); Aristobulus (10); Narcissus (11)
Hard workers:
Mary (6); Persis (12)
Referred to elsewhere:
Prisca, Aquila: Acts 18:2, 18, 26
Rufus: Mark 15:21
Lucius: Acts 13:1
Jason: Acts 17:5
Sosipater: Acts 20:4
Gaius: Acts 20:4; 1 Cor. 1:14
Erastus: Acts 19:22
Mark 10:29–30 Fulfilled in Paul’s life
16:17–19 Warning against those who peddle false teaching for the sake of
personal gain (compare 2 Cor. 2:17)
16:20 Feet are last and lowest—a promise to the end-time Church
N. 16:25–27 The eternal purpose and power of the gospel
16:25–26 The gospel: a secret long kept hidden—specially revealed to
Paul—fulfilling Old Testament Scriptures—able to establish those
who believe—to be proclaimed to all nations
16:27 Paul closes with worship


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