The The Man Who Brought You "The Blue Screen of Death" Coming to the Rescue

2 years ago

For every Crisis, there are Changes that will never go away. Loss of freedoms and more authoritarian rules and leaders.

"....Now if we do a really good job…” - Bill Gates

Billions of vaccines, vaccines, and more vaccines from someone who is not a Dr. And his software... Always patches and updates for the other viruses. Technocracy and Technocrats & Death Panels.

What are the roots of his beliefs... "Closer investigation reveals the Gates family has documented ties to reinvented eugenics movements of the modern age and the work carried out by their organization shows ulterior motives contrary to saving lives.

In the following, Ethan Nash examines links between COVID-19 ‘solutions’ and social eugenics movements, including Bill Gates Sr. and Planned Parenthood, the Gates Foundation and philanthropy deceptions, vested vaccine interests and engineering a pandemic.

Video by TruthStream Media

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