The righteous Judgement of God - The Roman Pilgrimage, Vol 1, Part 3 (Romans 2:10 - 3:20)

3 years ago

Welcome to the "Roman Pilgrimage"! Sermon Series by Derek Prince. This is an original Bible Study, teaching by Derek Prince.

You are setting out on a journey in the realm of the spirit which will both inspire and challenge you. At times the going will be rough. It will take you through the darkest depths of human depravity and then on to the glistening heights of God's grace and glory.

Romans is a unique combination of the spiritual and the intellectual, without parallel in human literature. It unfolds the most sublime spiritual truth in terms of the most flawless logic. It will not merely illuminate your spirit; it will also challenge your intellect.

For this reason, Romans will not yield its riches to careless or superficial reading. If you are to complete this pilgrimage successfully, there are two items of spiritual equipment which are essential: prayer and perseverance.

Let me encourage you, therefore, with the words of the Lord to Joshua, as he prepared to enter the promised land: "Only be strong and very courageous." - Derek Prince

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Table of Contents:
Part 3 covers Romans 2:10 through Romans 3:20.

STAGE 2: 2:1 – 3:8
Increased Moral Knowledge
Merely Increases Responsibility
2:1–6 Those who know what is right and judge others are not thereby
exonerated from their own guilt—knowledge (by itself)
produces arrogance (1 Cor. 8:1)—rather than repentance. All
this applied primarily—but not exclusively—to Jews, who have the Law of Moses.
Five principles of God’s judgment
1. 2:1–2 According to Truth—contained in God’s Word (John 17:17)—
compare John 12:47–48; Ps. 119:160
2. 2:6 According to Deeds—compare 1 Peter 1:17—recorded in
books (Rev. 20:12)—compare electromagnetic tapes
3. 2:11 No Partiality (based on external “image”)—compare Deut.
10:17—stated 9 times in Old Testament and 7 times in New Testament
4. 2:12 According to Light—a measure granted to all men (1:20)—the greater the light, the stricter the judgment (Matt. 11:20–24)
5. 2:16 Men’s Secrets—inner thoughts and motives—compare 1 Cor. 4:5—a function of God’s Word (Heb. 4:12–13)
2:6–10 Those whom God accepts and those whom God rejects—
humility and faith vs. pride and unbelief—compare Hab. 2:4;
1 Pet. 5:5–6. “Doing good” indicates deeds—“Seek for” indicates faith.
Examples from Old Testament of those accepted:
1. Queen of Sheba (Luke 11:31)
2. Ninevites (Luke 11:32) compare Micah 6:8
2:13–15, 26–27 Conscience may produce in Gentiles the same effect that the
Law can produce in Jews—i.e. recognition of need of God’s
mercy—but conscience may be weak (1 Cor. 8:7), seared (1 Tim. 4:2), defiled (Titus 1:15).
2:17–25 Specific examples of hypocritical misuse of the law by Jews—
bringing dishonor on God’s name. Can Christians be equally guilty?
2:28–29 God accepts external ordinances only if they proceed from a
sincere, believing heart (compare 1 Sam. 16:7).
3:1–8 The increased privileges of the Jews correspondingly increase the guilt of their unbelief—by contrast, this highlights God’s faithfulness—but God’s righteousness makes His judgment

STAGE 3: 3:9 – 3:20
The Whole World Accountable to God
(Sums Up Stages 1 and 2)
3:9–19 Quotations from Old Testament proving universal guilt of all
mankind—taken from “the Law,” they apply primarily to those
under the Law—no one is righteous, or understands, or seeks
God, or does good—only God’s grace can initiate repentance
and conversion (compare Eph. 2:1–7)
3:20 Conclusion: the Law exposes sin (compare 7:7)—but no one
can achieve righteousness by it.
Parenthesis: 6 purposes for which the Law was given:
(1) To show men the reality and power of sin (3:19–20; 7:7, 12–13)—first the diagnosis, then the medicine
(2) To show men they are unable to achieve righteousness by their
own efforts—Paul’s own experience (7:18–23)
(3) To foretell and foreshadow the Savior (Messiah)—a Tutor (Gal. 3:24)
a. Foretell: Deut. 18:18–19 and Acts 3:22–26
b. Foreshadow: Passover Lamb—Exodus ch. 12; John 1:29; 1 Cor. 5:7
(4) To keep Israel as a separate nation to which Messiah could
come—“in custody”—“shut up” (Gal. 3:23)—compare Num. 23:9
(5) To provide humanity with a pattern of a nation governed by just
laws (Neh. 9:13–14)
(6) To provide inexhaustible material for spiritual meditation (Ps. 1:1–3)


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