William Lane Craig on the Historical Adam

3 years ago

Dr. William Lane Craig (Bill) & Mike Licona discuss Bill's new book "In Quest of the Historical Adam: a Biblical and Scientific Exploration." Join Dr. Craig October 25-29 from 3:30-6pm Central Time during which time he will discuss his book and have plenty of time for Q&A! This course may be taken for seminary credit.

Cost: $220
Via Zoom
Registration: https://hbu.edu/houston-theological-seminary/survey-courses/hts-go-deeper/

Check out HBU's Masters Degrees in Christian Apologetics, Theology, Philosophy, and Biblical Languages: https://hbu.edu/school-of-christian-thought/

Check out HBU's Doctoral of Ministry (DMin) beginning Fall 2022 and a variety of Masters Degrees offered at Houston Theological Seminary: https://hbu.edu/houston-theological-seminary/

Purchase Dr. Craig's book on the historical Adam: https://amzn.to/3kOFbbv

The lecture by J I Packer to which Dr. Licona referred is may be heard at http://www.sydneyanglicans.net/images/uploads/mp3/JI_Packer/Creation_Evolution_Problems.mp3

#HBU #HoustonTheologicalSeminary

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