The TRUE Mark of The Beast ☠️What is the Covenant that Yahshua taught & what is the FALSE Covenant

3 years ago

Isaiah 28 calls it a Covenant built of LIES and FALSEHOOD

Job 41 foretold that the Leviathan (Serpent) will cause people to make a Covenant through soft words

The book of Daniel foretold of who will declare this wicked Covenant and what it will cause = DESOLATION

Yahshua calls this False covenant the: THE LEAVEN TEACHINGS of the Pharisees and Warns us to CONTINUE in HIS WORD

James corrects Paul's False Faith alone teachings and says it is by faith and WORKS, and Peter calls Paul a double minded man, unstable and wicked in all his ways

Jude reminds us how these WICKED men that were ordained from all ago
have slipped in UNAWARE and PERVERTED the Grace of YHVH into a license to commit LAWLESSNESS. And reminds us to do what Yahshua taught

John tells us how the antichrist went out with him to the church of Ephesus
but all of them LEFT so it would be known that NONE of them were apart of them, but they were the ANTI-CHRIST

The Angel of Yahshua in Revelation's commends the church of Ephesus for testing Paul and Paul's disciples and finding them to be WICKED and FALSE Apostles. Then proceeds to correct the other churches Paul led astray and pleads with them to return and do there first WORKS

FYI = all 7 church of Asia ended up DESERTING Paul = 2Tim1:15

It's so much yall.. way more than this,, but mommy is tired, might add more later

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