Detective Exposes Port Arthur Massacre that Disarmed Australians

3 years ago

Detective Andrew McGregor, who did the most extensive investigation into the Massacre false flag event which caused the removal of rifles, guns, hand guns semiautomatics from Australian Citizens.

— In isolated Port Arthur Tasmania April 1996 a legally mentally retarded man who needed a legal guardian, had troubles operating simple apparatus such as door latches and could not get a drivers licence, set up a cunning ruse to decoy the local constabulary, then supposedly killed 35 people with the accuracy of one of the world's best assassins with a supreme killed to injured ratio, counting clips, using head, neck shots, pulling off two Beirut triples in the process,then disposing of his weapons using breach explosions, setting fires to guesthouses and cars before attempting escape.

A gunshop owner was intimidated into saying he sold a European semiautomatic with a metric thread (never sold in Australia at that time) ,that was used to kill 8 of the victims, he refused and was run out of business.
There was never a trial or coronnial inquest even though it was required as foreign nationals died and it was a terror attack with blazes set.
The state coroner said it was to protect witnesses and victims, but most of the witnesses said that they wanted to have their say,as the official events were not recognised by them . Many stating Bryant was not the shooter.
No empirical evidence of Bryant being at Port Arthur historical site on that day, suspicious men being on scene, in a black coms van, talking to a "hiker" who was picking through the cafe murder scene shortly after wearing white slaughter man boots, missing police evidence of the shooters drinking can and food tray..this is just tip of the iceberg stuff when looking at the Port Arthur massacre.
A massacre in Tasmania was needed to get the Tasmanians to sign up to uniformed Australian disarmament laws and that is what the people got. The original shooting was supposed to happen on the ferry nearby, and that would have seen many USA tourists killed with coincidentally CNN reporters nearby..

Great material sites on port Arthur False Flag:

Detective Andrew McGregor

Port Arthur setup part 1

Port Arthur Setup part 2

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