228. Conversations: Generations

3 years ago

Tonight, we have a look at our generations back to Avraham. We begin by looking at the prophecy of the end of days in Amoc (Amos) 8:11-12 when the House of Yisrah’el is suffering a famine of hearing the word of YHVH. They run to and fro but cannot find it. I believe an interesting and accurate commentary on the House of Yisrah’el today.

Yermayahu (Jeremiah) 31:9
Amoc 8:11-12
Amoc 9:11-15
Devariym (Deuteronomy) 32:15
B’ray-sheeth’ 28:10-14
B’ray-hseeth’ 22:3-18
Mishlei (Proverbs) 30:4
B’ray-sheeth’ 49:18
Ephesians 4:10
John 8:57

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