Jesus' Final Week According to All Four Gospels - Part Four

3 years ago

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Jesus' final week according to the four gospels:


* Scientific definition of "Absolute Zero": At zero kelvin (-273 degrees Celsius [-459.4 degrees Fahrenheit]), the particles stop moving and all disorder disappears.

* There is a spiritual "Absolute Zero", where all "wavering", as Jesus called it, stops, and all disorder ceases.

* And as in the case of physical Absolute Zero, spiritual Absolute Zero is not found in this world.

* Jesus, by the power of God's Spirit, will make us completely still before God in our souls, where all disorder ceases -- if we want it.

* Without the Spirit, people cannot know God.

* When the light of God's Spirit shines in our hearts, it creates an awareness within us of the vanity of all our own thoughts and ways, so that we can earnestly call on Him.

* All the religions of man are only opinions about God, how He should be served, what He thinks, what He wants us to do, etc.

* This world is a veritable madhouse of opinions about God, some better than others, but none of them from God.

* Opinions are heresies, and only God can save us from them.

* Regardless of how wrong someone is, it will never be the will of God for you, in this life, to punish that person. That is God's job.

* All human differences will disappear in the resurrection.

* All the dead are alive somewhere, either in hell or in Paradise with Christ.

* God is a God of relationships (see pastor John's book, God Had a Son Before Mary Did, online:

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