Healthy, Happy Digestion and Weight Loss Too!

3 years ago

Having healthy digestion is important for your overall happiness. 90% of your serotonin is made in your gut. Stress diverts energy flow from your gut and results in issues like indigestion, constipation, diarrhea and heartburn.

Long term issues with digestion can and will lead to things like food allergies, leaky gut, IBS, diverticulitis, and Crohn's disease. The good news is that restoring proper energy flow to your gut can help clear up all of the issues and keep them at bay.

I used facial reflexology to relieve my symptoms of IBS and have used these same techniques with clients with both longterm and short term issues.

I recommend starting with this protocol at least once a day. You can do it up to 4x a day but don't jump in with that many sessions if you are just getting started with facial reflexology... ease in to prevent a detox reaction!

Be sure to take your time and really feel for the lumpy/ bumpy/ tender areas. They show you where you have a blockage of energy (electricity) flow. Spend a little extra time in these areas (10-15 seconds).

Enjoy and be sure to pass these videos onto people who could use some help with their digestion. Remember that you have the power to improve your health!

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