Social issues: Ignore or Engage?

3 years ago

The main difference between the two Wise County Judge candidates is this: J.D. Clark won’t address social issues when they need to be addressed, while I will.

If J.D. Clark is a conservative, why doesn’t he let us know he’s a conservative by his words or his actions? Here are some questions I believe our County Judge should be willing and able to answer, and frankly any conservative running for office should be able to answer.

- What does "preserving our history" mean? Is it just buildings and family names, or is it something else?
- Preserving implies protecting, so what are we protecting our history from? Leaks in the courthouse? Growth?
- What are the specific values of our community you claim to stand for?
- How will you preserve/protect the values of Wise County, assuming you will identify and name them?
- Why in your seven years as County Judge, the three minutes on your campaign video, and your entire campaign website, do you refuse to address any social issues pushed by the radical left (now the party platform of the Democrat Party) which are impacting Americans?
- Why did you caucus for Obama in 2008? It’s one thing to vote, it’s another to make calls, and still another to block walk, but to go to the Democratic Convention and caucus? That takes serious commitment.
- If you no longer support the ideology Obama espoused, what made you change your mind?
- Is man-made climate change a concern for Americans?
- What are your thoughts on government involvement in healthcare?
- Can you clarify your pro-life position?
- Should there be exceptions for abortion, other than to save the life of the mother?
- Why isn’t Wise County a Sanctuary County for the Unborn instead of just being discussed?
- How many genders are there?
- How does someone determine what gender they are?
- Is the transgender agenda an issue in our schools and community? If not, why do you believe that? If so, how have you as the leader of the county addressed it?
- Should children be allowed to undergo chemical castration or hormone therapy in Texas if their parents approve? It's legal now, so have you done any work with other political leaders in Texas to get this outlawed?
- What is marriage?
- What is critical race theory, and if you can define it, should we be concerned about it? If not, why? If so, what are you doing to address it?
- Do you believe cultural Marxism should concern us and can you define it?
- Is the Black Lives Matter organization doing good things for America? If so, how? If not, why not?
- Are you willing to apologize for being complicit in shutting down businesses and masking up Wise County for a year? You denied it at the recent forum, but there were multiple businesses closed, limiting occupancy, and mandating masks as they believed they had to and they never heard a word from anyone in County government telling them otherwise.
- Are you willing to apologize for telling the people of Wise County Covid-19 was worth declaring an emergency for 12 months, perpetuating the lie that Covid was a unilateral threat to the people of Wise County?
- If it was worth declaring an emergency declaration in 2020 over 25 cases, why did you not declare an emergency declaration when we had over 1,100 cases in January 2022?
- Was it just for the federal money? If so, is there a line in the sand where you would refuse federal money?
- Did Greg Abbott make any mistakes with his Covid related executive orders? If so, what did you do to address them?
- Do you support the censure of Greg Abbott by the Wise County GOP?
- What have you done to stand against the vaccine mandates which are still impacting the people of Wise County? The largest employer in Wise County mandated the vaccine and other residents had their employers mandate it, so what have you done to help these people?
- Do you believe in term limits?
- Should Wise County be a sanctuary County for the Second Amendment?
- Do you support the platform of the Texas GOP? Are there any of the 337 points on which you differ?
- How do you plan to help keep Wise County "red" in the coming four years?
- Do you believe it's not the job of a County Judge to address social issues? If not, why? If so, why haven't you addressed them?

I have more I could ask, but I think if we can get some answers on these questions, that'd be a solid start. I've asked JD to sit down for a conversation style debate with me. Richard Greene from the Wise County Messenger agreed to moderate and host it on their podcast, so hopefully we can sit down soon and civilly discuss all these questions, as well as issues relating to the business side of the job. Of course, I'd be willing to answer any questions he has for me.

If you’d like my answers to those questions, I’ve answered many on my website and videos, but I’ll be addressing each of them in a virtual townhall (stay tuned). In the meantime, we can get together and have a conversation, so please call, text, or email me. I'm more than happy to address each of them and let you know what I've done as a citizen to address each of them and what I will do as County Judge.

God bless, and please like, comment, and share!

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