2 years ago

THE JABBED WILL DISCOUNT THIS MAN.I AM SURE. BUT ‼👉This is a scientist who knows what real science is. Not a quacking talking head on some global propaganda platform they call "NEWS"

As the inventor of the messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine platform, Dr. Robert Malone is one of the most qualified individuals to opine on the benefits and potential risks of this technology.
His background includes a medical degree from Northwestern University, a master’s degree from Salk Institute, a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry from UC Davis, a Giannini fellowship in pathology and a post-graduate fellowship in global clinical research at Harvard.
He taught pathology to medical students for about a decade at the University of Maryland and the University of California Davis, and then became an associate professor of surgery at Uniformed Services, University of the Health Sciences, where he launched a major research institute focused on breast cancer and high-throughput screening in genomics for breast cancer.
After that, he helped found a company called Inovio, which has brought forth a number of gene therapy discoveries, including vaccines, and the use of pulsed electrical fields as a delivery method. After 9/11, a colleague at the University of Maryland’s department of business and economic development connected him with Dynport Vaccine Company, a startup that had received a DoD contract to manage its biodefense products. ates-bioethics-laws-malone_4208415.html?utm_source=healthnoe&utm_campaign=health-2022-01-15&utm_medium=email&est=hu49OgR7mbPRRctsFhEEqGCzMuk3g4%2FGhXsWEyYqMA5oraKTD2QGHrYU2NuGGw%3D%3D

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