We Are Meaning-Making Machines & Using "Negative" Words in Affirmations

3 years ago

When we think about something or someone we ascribe some meaning to it or them. The Christmas tree can be seen as "good" or "bad" depending on your perspective.

So words can be seen as "good" or "bad" depending on your view of them. If you feel bad when saying an affirmation with a "negative" word, then don't do it.

But for people who realize that we are the ones giving the meaning to the words, I don't see a reason to limit yourself when using affirmations.

That said, I also discuss that we should try to focus on what we want, and not be focused on what we don't want. Using words like anti-mandate or anti-racism can get you focused on what you don't want more than what you actually want.

Intro "Spell" Words 00:00
Negative Words in Affirmations 00:30
You Make Meaning of Things 1:45
Communicating with Different Definitions 2:50
Meaning Matters 3:40
By Faith You Are Saved 4:20
Dr. Emoto Water/Rice Experiment 5:14
Anti-Anything 7:00
Focus on What You Want 7:55
Outro 9:44

Articles & Videos on the Topic:

Cleaning The World: What Can I Do? https://asabovebelowloa.com/cleaning-the-world-what-can-i-do

Bless Your Water With Affirmations To Reprogram Your Mind & Body https://youtu.be/B7Eav8mU4Ps

The Power of Your Intentions (The Rice Experiment) https://youtu.be/D1sWVjXhKfg

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As Above / Below LOA Life Coaching: https://www.asabovebelowloa.com/

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