Freedom Convoy Regina 2022 Jan 29, Amiens all over again?

3 years ago

Freedom Convoy Regina 2022 Jan 29 some footage

What do you call 100,000 trucks heading towards Ottawa?
Bloody awesome! God bless you truckers, Godspeed.
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Gettr is Bettr than Facebook, course so are 2 tin cans tied together.

Senator Ron Johnson via, its heart breaking the crimes that have been done to us.

C.W. McCall I played your song 20 times in the last few days. Its prism at the end but it feels a little like Armageddon of late doesn't it?

♥ Truckers

Truck #Trudeau
If you want to know what freedoms they took away in Canada, because some cowards were scared.

If you want to see the level of tyranny look here where Scott Moe signed that he should be able to cut down your trees or take your truck or cows, ahem to fight COVID.

Children should never be vaccinated to protect the old even thinking that shows a total lack of ethics but good marketing for big Pharma.

I had to show the numbers dying in Alberta that some brave data scientist posted. Its still on Waybackmachine.

I think this is part of the same group but I'm not sure

Re Amiens all over again? in WWI when the Canadian corps sliced through a German army the Germans called the dark day of the War. In spite of roadblocks and closures to screw the truckers around, excessive weigh stations I have a feeling 2022, and the day the first truck left the NWT or BC for Ottawa will be looked back on like that dark day in 1918 when the German army fell apart.
Belgians, Czechs, Dutch, Romanians, Germans, Finlanders, Australians, and Americans many of whom came to Canada, are all in some state of convoy organization, that I know of. bless you all.

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