Expired jabs associated with increased cancer risk according to pathologist dr. Ryan Cole

2 years ago

Veronika Kyrylenko interviews pathologist dr. Ryan Cole on January 23rd, 2022.


Dr. Cole sees about 40,000 biopsies a year. Although he may see a huge increase in the rate of tumors, it will still be dismissed as a mere 'anecdote'. He's looking to combine data with other pathologists so they will see statistically significant data sooner. However, it will still take a long time and any safety signal, especially a severe safety signal, should be acted on immediately. You can't 'unvaccinate' to reverse any damage done by the jab.

It is not up to the vaccine critics to provide perfect proof that the jabs are unsafe and/or ineffective, but the proponents should provide the proof that they are safe and effective. It is not acceptable to say that they're safe, when what they mean is that there is 'inadequate' proof of harm, especially when many research steps have been skipped and data is not recorded and is being suppressed.

Medical and other decisions should be based on a risk-benefit analysis. Since the medical benefit of the expired inoculations is close to zero, they should not be used, because the risk is significantly larger than zero. It's absolutely insane to encourage people to get a booster which provides almost no benefit, but does induce a huge bolus dose of toxic spike protein, runs the risk of auto-immune disease and increased cancer risk, at least in the short term.

It has been seen by many that cancers that used to be under control, took off like wildfire after the jab.

The jab turns Toll-Like Receptors (TLR) off. TLR 7 and 8, which keep viruses in check, are decreased. TLR 3 and 4 keeps cancers in check. Cells that turn cancerous are destroyed before they metastasize under normal circumstances, but if TLR 3 and 4 are suppressed, this does not happen. It is not known how long the suppression lasts.

Not only is humanity running the biggest and most futile medical experiment ever, but it is doing so without adequate informed consent.

The spike protein of the supposed virus and also induced by the jab in huge quantities, binds to the p53 tumor suppressor gene, which is also called the guardian of the genome. It also binds to the BRCA (BReast CAncer; 'braca') gene.

The jabs are not reducing infection or transmission, and the vaxxed have a higher all cause mortality (ACM) than unvaxxed. So why are we still injecting this futile toxin? "We have lost our collective medical minds for money."

A tiny minority of medical professionals is sticking to their Hippocratic Oath and doing their job, but instead of being praised as heroes, they're censored, fired, smeared, sued, their licenses are revoked, et cetera. This is a disgrace.

Dr. Cole behaves like a real scientist. If any colleague disagrees with him, he invites them to have a conversation. They bring their proof and analysis, he brings his. If it turns out that he's wrong, he'll happily change his position. But 'the other side' does not behave like this. All they can do are appeals to authority and to common beliefs. If this does not work, they resort to personal attacks and calls for censorship.

This difference of opinion and fact is not just about some scientific dispute that concerns almost no one, but about science on behalf of humanity.

"If you want to know what's going on, follow the money. If you want to know what the truth is, look at who's being silenced."

Fear is the real pandemic. We now have both the knowledge and the tools to treat COVID effectively and safely, especially with early treatment. Therefore, don't be afraid, but do prepare. If you do get sick, start treatment immediately. Don't test and definitely don't wait for a test result.

The best doctor you will ever have, is inside your own skin. Lose some weight, avoid sugar, stay home when you're sick, move your body, avoid chronic negative stress.

The shots are expired, so don't put them in your body. Definitely don't put them in your children's body.

SOURCE: https://rumble.com/vteydc-dr.-ryan-cole-covid-vax-damages-your-immune-system.html

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