Tawny Buettner, RN, observed 20x increase in myocarditis rate after the vaxx roll-out

2 years ago

Registeren nurse Tawny Buettner interviewed by Steve Kirsch on January 23rd, 2022.


Tawny worked in the Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Unit (CTICU) of a major children’s hospital in San Diego, California for more than 12 years.

Tawny basically got fired when she refused to take the COVID jab and was told that as an unvaccinated employees, she could not deal directly with patients. This was even though she got tested twice weekly, wore her PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and had no symptoms.

Even employees who have recovered from COVID and therefore are a significantly reduced infection risk compared to people who have only been vaccinated, are still not allowed to work that hospital if they're not also vaccinated. On the other hand, vaccinated employees who have symptoms are still allowed to work there. It's clear these policies have nothing to do with patient safety and also nothing with science and logic.

There were an average of 4-5 myocarditis cases in a normal year. This includes 2020, the year of the 'pandemic'. Even the patients with COVID did not have myocarditis. The rate increased to 33 cases in a period of 4 months (June through October 1st) after the roll-out of the inoculation campaign. Annualized, this is a 20x increase.

The team that Tawny was a part of is tasked with taking care of patients whose main concern is their heart, so they're well placed to see a difference in (the rate of) heart related injuries, such as myocarditis.

After the mass roll-out of the inoculations, they saw specifically young boys being admitted for myocarditis, with extremely high troponin levels in the teens to thirties. This is extremely high. A troponin level below 0.05 is considered normal. Note that after a heart attack your troponin levels might hit 5 and then return to normal after a few days. So these troponin levels were elevated by something more extreme than a heart attack. Those levels can stay elevated for months. Troponin is released when the heart is damaged.

The team that Tawny was a part of did not need to take care of one single patient with MIS-C (Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children) during the 'pandemic'. There were some inpatients with MIS-C, but they did not need specialized care in the CTICU.

One doctor who was doing research on both MIS-C due to COVID and myocarditis due to the jab, said that although it is an unpopular position, she would have a huge concern letting her teenage son get the COVID jab.

The follow-up of inpatients with myocarditis showed a huge concern. Scarring of the heart was seen in about one third of boys. This is can lead to cardiomyopathy, which can lead to heart failure which may require a heart transplantation of lead to death.

Based on a small sample size, it seems the people who develop the worst adverse events after vaccination are the people who had already acquired natural immunity to COVID and then got inoculated.

There is also a signal that the most active children are the children who are at increased risk of vaccine adverse effects. Children who developed heart issues after inoculation were lean and did not have any health issues. Said differently, their risk of severe COVID was almost zero and therefore had nothing to gain from inoculation.

There is absolutely no doubt that the jab is causing myocarditis in children. The big question is, is it also causing cardiomyopathy?

Myocarditis can lead to the death of heart cells. These cells will form a scar. The affected part of the heart will no longer function as well. Instead of a nice tight squeeze with every beat, it will be more of flabby squeeze, which can lead to all kinds of downstream issues. The kidneys, liver, intestines and brain can all get affected and it can end up killing you.

Cardiomyopathy is basically the same as congestive heart failure.

Although the hospital where Tawny worked is the main pediatric care hospital (it handles 90% of pediatric care in its county) and also a hospital where vaccines are given to people, they have no policy or procedure for reporting to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System). In this hospital it is to the discretion of the individual doctor about whether they report or not. Tawny has spoken to many other hospital staff and nobody does reporting to VAERS.

It is mandated by law that they report adverse reactions after vaccination (which is not exactly the same as a vaccine injury), but they don't. This is further proof of the enormous underreporting of VAERS.

The doctors are reluctant to report adverse events after vaccination. They are employed by the hospital and are afraid of punishment by the hospital if they do report adverse events. This fear seems to be justified, because vaccine adverse reactions are taboo everywhere. Judging from the behavior of the system, people would rather ignore it and sweep it under the rug, than to acknowledge it and share the information.

One nurse mentioned that she would rather have her child get myocarditis than COVID, even though there can be no reasonable doubt that COVID is significantly less dangerous to children that vaccine induced myocarditis.

The above dichotomy between vaccination or COVID is a fallacy, because the efficacy of the jab is so dubious and so short, that anyone who gets jabbed does not only have the risk of adverse effects from the jab (such as myocarditis), but STILL has the risks of the disease. Also the risk of COVID is just once: you get it and then you have naturally acquired immunity, which means that future disease will (all else equal) be much milder. The risk of the inoculation, on the other is recurring, because you have to take frequent boosters, which are likely be associated with increasing risk and decreasing efficacy.

Tawnee did not only see kids come in with myocarditis after the jab, but also deadly arrhythmias. Arrhythmias are even scarier than myocarditis, because they can lead to sudden death.

SOURCE: https://rumble.com/vtge32-tawny-buettner-rn-observed-a-10x-increase-in-the-rate-of-myocarditis-after-.html

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