Montagraph tells the scariest story ever told: "THE FINAL MINUTES OF AMERICA" 🔥☠️💉☠️🔥Dubbed by: MMC.

3 years ago

Note: Montagraph has corrected the date to be Dec 7th and not the 5th in which he gives surreal detail about in a video today about flight 19, eggs and the akashic records real time supra unconsciousness connection we all share on this planet as a species or possibly by all creatures big and small here. Possibly universal and intergalactic psychic relations as well. Very interesting topic. Montagraph want to know if you had or were thinking of eggs in this time frame.
this epic dubbed live stream Montagraph tells the forgotten history of the NWO elitist betrayal of our elected officials from the time period in the early 90s to present day with precise accuracy that has been recorded in various places on the internet and in a few books banned by a lot of places because truth hurts. we find out that we have been conditioned and manipulated for untold generations and are now being subjected like rats and mice in some sort of test from the 70s called "Mouse Utopia", to a global worldwide NWO eugenics, depopulation, sterilization and genetic altering agenda along with an extraterrestrial/inter/multi/trans dimensional entity program to invade and take over our realm operated from the CERN and CLIC facilities. Get some popcorn and find a comfortable place on the couch with the family to enjoy this tale of which you might not hear anywhere else with the detail, passion and expertise, that is the man known as Steve Quest AKA Montagraph AKA OctoberReignz AKA I'm Your Ghost AKA Elite Rule AKA The Umbrella Man AKA NWO Soldier, Lambocrat and many more interweb personalities created from the mind of the master of the web. Our hats off to our fearless compatriot. Enjoy:
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