Bertrand Russell, Erich Fromm, Ted Kaczynski all criticize society and are either dead or in prison.

3 years ago

The thought police encourages us to question and think critically, as long as we don't overstep certain bounds. Some thinkers venture dangerously close to those bounds by criticizing some of the basic structures of society. In theory, the internet makes it easier for these types of ideas to grow and develop. Or does the internet merely make it simpler to contain and control these ideas? Does the thought police allow me to say "I reject society", "I reject everyone", "I want to convert you", and "I want to make you think my way"? Maybe so, but it's not going to let these improper thoughts be seen by others who might sympathize with them and start a revolution.

This video was original published on YouTube in 2016. It still exists on Youtube, but I believe it has been shadowbanned, so it may not show up in any search results.

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