Father God is Pruning the Body of Christ- Part One

3 years ago

Part 1 Father God is pruning the body of Christ. Cleansing and pruning cutting off and removing the dead things; the things in our lives that do not honor or bring him glory are difficult and painful. But we praise and give him glory and Thanksgiving because our hearts desire above all his presence and his will. As I have been pondering the things that I have been through theses last few years, I am very aware of my weaknesses, shortcomings and mistakes. But God in his rich mercy and grace has given me opportunity to correct and to yield to him. His goodness has given me hope and a future knowing that he is for me and wants me to become all he desires! I know he has my best interest for my life and those around me that He is allowing me to influence. For example, In 2012, my life was full of ministry and many people that I was involved with going and doing things for God. Unfortunately, this was not always in the best interest of my marriage or family. So in the middle of 2012 my life came to a sudden halt. What happened was a very mysterious and heinous experience against our home literally. But instead of sharing the details, I just want to say glory to God! He brought us through one of the hardest times of our lives. In spite of the things we went through, God has resurrected what looked like a stump of a tree. My flourishing ministry was immediately affected as I was only able to do very little in the area of intercession. This was the dark night of my soul. God had to resurrect my soul from total destruction. I had lost my desire to live even though I had much to live for, my hope was so dashed by my circumstances I just wanted to go home with him. I will never forget the Sunday in church during worship, I had come and sat down by my husband and had my oldest granddaughter who was just about three years old. Suddenly Holy Spirit came upon me so I sat dow holding onto I said my granddaughter who became very still and then she raised her hands. I looked up at the screen to see the worship words but I saw instead a beautiful gate and on the gate there was a strand that was coming out of the gate and it was golden. Woven within the gate looked like a DNA strand with golden musical notes. I heard the voice of my Heavenly father saying “this is what I have placed within you; it is a new song my daughter. And you will live and you will proclaim my goodness.!”
This was in January of 2015, and when I left the service that day I suddenly wanted to live again! It was a divine work of a good, good father. After that, slowly things started to turn around. The stump of my life began to bear fruit once more even though I could not see it during those years. My husband and I began working as a team to have prayer calls for our nation and the coming election. I began a group on Facebook which grew much to my surprise! We now have two groups, lighthouse intercessors, and daily declarations to claim. Between the two groups we have 5-to 6000 members. I would like to read to you a portion of scripture from Isaiah chapter 6 now using the passion translation. I pray this gives you help in whatever it is you may be going through as a follower of our Lord Jesus.

The Passion Translation
Isaiah 6:12 
Until the Lord has exiled them all to a distant country
    and the entire land lies deserted.”
13 Yet if even a tenth[a] remains there,[b]
    it will be burned again.
    It will be like a fallen oak or terebinth tree when it is felled;
    the stump still lives to grow again.[c]
    Now, the “stump” is the holy seed.[d]
• Isaiah 6:13 The tenth could be the tenth reign of a king or the tenth part of the people.
• Isaiah 6:13
• Isaiah 6:13 The two trees mentioned here (terebinth and oak) grow in the Middle East. They both have the power to produce new shoots even when cut down to a stump.
• Isaiah 6:13 Or “The seed of holiness is its stump” or “The stump is the sacred seed.” Isaiah uses the word seed twenty-five times. This is not the end but a new beginning. God always has remnant people, even in a time of judgment. Today true believers have the “holy seed” of Christ within them, for they have been born from above. Note the seven requirements of the divine call: (1) a revelation of God, high and lifted up (vv. 1–4), (2) a revelation of holiness (vv. 1–4), (3) a revelation of our uncleanness (v. 5), (4) divine cleansing (vv. 6–7), (5) a personal call—the voice of the Lord (v. 8), (6) abandonment to God (v. 8), and (7) divine commissioning (vv. 9–13).

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