2 years ago

Sunday, January 30,2022

Justin is a father to two boys in the Iroquois Central School District. He has owned his tree service business for nearly two decades. He is happily married to his wife and he lives in a beautiful home in the town of Elma.

This man and his wife have raised a beautiful family, with boys who are strong, fun, exuberant, energetic, kind, giving, warm, empathetic, compassionate and they have incredible spirits. His boys' hearts and souls come from he and his wife. The power in those boys' smiles is incredible. Their hugs are even better. Listening to them laugh, watch them having fun and hearing their stories is one of the true joys and pleasures in this world. they are joyful, jubilant and respectful beyond reproach.

The job Justin and his wife have done with these two boys has made them powerful individuals already at the young ages they are. There is no doubt that they will inspire many by embodying and exemplifying the principled lives they do at such a young age. And they will one day become kind and understanding leaders in all they do.

Justin decided to take on a coaching/mentoring role for his boys in wrestling at the Iroquois School a couple of years ago. He has never been approached about not wearing a mask.

The other day he was approached at a tournament in Iroquois by a woman who was very insistent he wear one. He respectfully said no. Even after being threatened to have local law enforcement contacted to have him removed, he stood his ground and said he was not going to wear a mask.

The individuals approaching him finally relented and he was able to remain at the event without a mask. Several parents in the audience gathered around him, removing their masks, as if given the strength because of his actions, but needing to be near him to make sure they weren't targeted themselves and get in trouble.

No member of law enforcement showed up. This is a testament to the Iroquois school district, local Erie County Sheriffs and the Elma Police Officer. They all realize that they are not enemies and that they can all exercise good judgement, be kind and live and let live while others stand for freedom and together.

Justin is a hero. He is a warrior. He is an American who has had enough of not getting the truth and schools doing whatever they want with our children. He had enough and he decided to draw his line in the sand. And his actions spoke for that entire audience and gathering who feel exactly like he does, but are too afraid to make a stand or just don't know how to.

Justin is incredibly courageous, and his actions have changed the minds and hearts of so many. We here at the Experience Media applaud him for his efforts and give him such high reverance and regard for being such a wonderful role model for his children, wife, wrestling team, students, parents, school and community. Thank you Justin!!!

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