Canada Rallies Around Freedom Convoy, Trudeau Goes Into Hiding

2 years ago

00:30 Canadians Protest Against Tyranny (16 minutes)
Canadians have been turning out in droves across the nation to support the “Freedom Convoy” of truckers making its way to Ottawa to protest Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s punitive vaccine mandates. According to Trudeau, who has now isolated himself from the public over COVID-19 concerns, these truckers hold “unacceptable views.” Two years ago, he praised truckers for keeping shelves stocked during lockdown. Today, truckers are the villains.

16:45 Spying on Americans and Lawmakers (6 minutes)
Politico broke the news two days ago that the Capitol Police have been examining the backgrounds and social media feeds of people who meet with lawmakers, even if they are not suspected of crimes. Politico writes, “Examining the social media feeds of people who aren’t suspected of crimes … is a controversial move for law enforcement and intelligence officials given the civil liberties concerns it raises.”

22:20 Pennsylvania Mail-in Voting (6 minutes)
Pennsylvania’s 2020 mail-in voting law was just ruled unconstitutional by a Pennsylvania court. Sending out unsolicited mail-in ballots violates Pennsylvania’s Constitution, and changing the Constitution requires the consent of the citizens of the state. In 2020, Pennsylvania lawmakers ignored the state’s Constitution and enforced this unlawful rule change, opening the floodgates to massive amounts of voter fraud in the presidential election.

28:35 Bible Study: Who and What Is God? (20 minutes)
This is the most important question we can ask: Who and what is God? Most people do not know! In this segment, we answer that question and examine God the Father’s role in our lives.

48:00 E-mail Feedback (6 minutes)

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