Hilliary Sitting Pres when Children & Guns UN Confiscated Door to Door?

3 years ago

What were the OKC Fed Building Bombing, 9/11 and other False Flags for? Who are the real perps of 9/11?

Keywords: Connecticut CIA Barack Obama Social Security Number NDAA Patriot Act US Constitution Suspended Bill Clinton is a Rapist #AlexJones Joe Biden screwed his own kids Ukraine Russia War to hide Obama Clinton Biden selling Nukes Kazakhstan Canadian Truckers COVID Strike Oust Fidel Castro's son Justin Trudeau James Corbett Michael Chertoff Israeli Ponzi Scheme Free Pizza Coupon Hot Sexy Model Naked Nude Cookies Internet Censorship Event 201 McDonalds potatoes and carrots in Happy Meals are grown in Bill Gate bio-sludge dissolved human city sewage Tony Fauci arrested Donald J. Trump COVID Test patented 2015 Barack Obama funded Wuhan China gain of function World Bank UN Sex Trafficking Monsanto Big Pharma class action suits Supreme Court Justice murdered with pillow no mainstream media coverage Mike Adams brighteon.com Vladimir Putin Russia Ukraine Vietnam El Salvador Dominican Republic Freedom in Mexico Mask Mandate Social distancing where can I travel without COVID tests Pandemic declared over Florida Ron DeSantis for President Xi Jinping is a punk Free Taiwan Hong Kong Dead Commies are best Communists Martial Law Nuclear War Secret Weapons Anthrax Hoax Lyme Disease Kathleen Dickson Lisa Masterson put in Mental Hospitals for exposing testing treatment fraud Pfizer Glaxo Smith Kline Baxter Pub Med Doctors paid to kill patients. US Attorney John A. Danaher III covered up Tomas Foral for having enough Military Grade Anthrax in 2001 to kill all of New England FBI kill Code name: the big apple to the big easy saved by FBI doing Codename: Pail Rider first for being a Soprano type Mafia Trash Hauler with son AJ going after for income tax evasion Danbury Trashers almost win during NHL hockey league 2 year shut down 23 of 26 bombs planted in the OKC Federal Building 1995 failed to go off. The FBI found the bombers, paid them, arranged the plan, gave them live bombs, and the bombers failed to park the rental truck on the right floor of the parking garage for one twin tower to topple on the other 1993 F'ing Bombing Idiots.

#BoycottMcD #No46 #Restore45 #ExposeFauci #BillClintonIsARapist #StopTheSteal #EndTheBS #CoofDestroyer #HillaryForPrison #AlexJones #J6NewIndependenceDay #SackDemocrats #MeToo #DeathJab22 #BanUN #USConstitutionParty


The counter on this site seems to be wonky. I tried watching my own videos on devices of others with different internet connections. Counters for my videos don't go up.

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