narcissisystem is the human condition (ag's pop culture study session)

2 years ago

is there a more interesting bitch on yt? probably...
is there another crazy bitch crawling under the st, hanging out w/ spiders
i wanna do this in a different way
i value being able to drive around, sorting myself out
if i couldn't drive, i'd walk/bike/rollerblade...
you ALWAYS have options, but society encourages inside the box thinking
they eliminate all aspects of free will
there's another layer that goes totally unnoticed by many
the plebs are so happy, just look at their tvs!
they have to pretend cos they're so damn miserable
humility doesn't come easy for most
you gotta work on humility thru failure (THANK YOU LORD!)
love john hickok
even the worst thing can be the best if you learn sumin
glad i went to zanies, it's good to get out and study the culture
comedy ain't about making the culture come
i don't wanna give em that metaphor for obvious reasons
one of my first mistakes on yt
really shouldn't a done that shit (literally)...oh well, can't do shit about it now
a lotta sickos wanna watch ag take a dump
i wanted to take a dump on this culture, THAT WAS THE POINT
i talked about this very thing at this exact same part of the freeway
love that sexy ass turn signal, mercedes
turn signal action is under-appreciated communication

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