Eye OF The Future Regeneration Subliminal Results+Channel Anouncements

3 years ago

Guys I’m sorry if I hadn’t made a subliminal In awhile, online schooling and papers, have stolen, a good chunk of my time, currently, I am trying to, listen to, a subliminal, that gives me, a more favorable scenario, this means, that after, I manifest, my dream scenario, I won’t need, to go to school, or get a job, ever again, in order, to live a, happy life, the problem is, it hasn’t manifested yet, also I’ve listened to, eye of the future’s, regeneration subliminal, and recently, everyone I lived with, has come down with Covid, I typically interact, with these people everyday, and I haven’t suffered, any symptoms, except for a minor cough, or slightly runny nose, that is there, for a short period, of time, and then disappears, I think the subliminal, made my body, immune to sickness, and disease, in addition, I might create, a personal subliminal, that turns myself, into, a blueberry, that is, bigger than, two thousand and five violet, just for the experience, but before, I can do that, I need my dream, scenario to manifest first, because I, don’t want, people, to freak out, over my, new blueberry form, and maybe a juicing machine, as well

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