This must be gLoBaL wArMiNg

2 years ago

Lies. We've been living on a planet with a climate that has been ever changing since its creation. Its funny how the ones who say we need to stop using fossil fuels don't give up their personal jet or helicopter rides or their overly extravagant wasteful lifestyle or the government that mandates emissions equipment on our vehicles adhere to their own policies on their emissions exempt vehicles. Its a bunch of bogus lies to dictate with fear for profit. They keep saying the weather is the worst ever been. I have news for you. It's always been like that. The planets weather isn't always sunshine and lollipops. They keep saying record this and record that. Well that's odd because I remember weather like this or worse years ago and have seen photos of it and heard of others speak of it from long ago. Kids don't listen to old people when they tell them something and with these brain dead recent generations, they think all this is new. All this in the time of the cleanest air we've had in 150 years... I swear these people forgot 3rd grade science where they taught us about the ever changing climate of our planet... They were too busy on their phones or crying about what someone else is doing that has no physical bearing on others. Too busy telling others how they should be thinking... Its funny to me whenever I see the weather and they have some new crazy name for a weather event like it's something completely new. Like snow hurricane lol. It's called a blizzard. Or a bomb cyclone. It's called snow. Or we get 3 inches of snow "devastating record snow storm" in an area that gets snow every winter. Everytime snow is forecast I get a weather alert for a "snow storm" or "winter weather warning" or something. Like wooowwwwyyyy it's gonna snow? In the middle of winter? WHAT? How unheard of is that! Thanks for sticking around for my rant.

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