3 years ago

Official Lyric Video of Kale Me Something Good.
#Krownchakra Available on all platforms.

For Educational Purposes Only. Live Your Truth. ~KC

Good Health is True Wealth. Without it nothing else really matters.

Did you know that Kale is the #1 Healthiest food in the World?

Iceberg lettuce is 99% water with hardly any nutritional value.

#1 Self Motivation Question - What can I do right now that my future self would thank me for?

If we don't make time for our health and wellness, we will be forced to make time for illness.

Let Food Be Thy Medicine, and Medicine Be Thy Food.

The body naturally heals itself given it time but we live a world of instant gratification. We want to feel better now.
Prescription drugs are poison. There is an Herb/Cure in nature for every dis-ease known to man.

Most Doctors want to give you a lifetime subscription to
a prescription to pay for their fancy lifestyles. We have been brainwashed to trust the person in the white coat with a smile, and a clipboard.

Doctors should be trying to take people off of medication , but then they would lose a customer. There is no money in a cure.

The Etymology dictionary (origin of words) definition of pHARMaceuticals⬇️

pharmaceutical (adj.)
"pertaining to pharmacy or the art of preparing drugs," 1640s (pharmaceutic in the same sense is from 1540s), from Late Latin pharmaceuticus "of drugs," from Greek pharmakeutikos, from pharmakeus "PREPARER of DRUGS, POISONER SORCERY, WITCHCRAFT" (see pharmacy). Pharmaceuticals "medicinal drugs" is attested by 1881. Related: Pharmaceutically.

For Educational Purposes Only. Live Your Truth. ~KC
Peace & Health

Copyright 2020. Krown Chakra Musik

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