How Does This Tie-in

3 years ago

What's the deal with Norway and Sweden??????
From the Norwegian Dypstats history, Bolshevik Or Jesuit

Part 1
A strange anonymous text has come into my hands. I have never read anything like it. Here, historical lines are drawn back to before the Constitution Day at Eidsvoll and up to a party at a prayer house in Sørlandet on 12 November 2021. Main characters I have never heard of perform here.

Could this be about real fragments of Norway's history? A little insight?

(This article is in Norwegian.
I have translated the text and will present it in more posts)

 (The Face of Shame)
Why I make this meme? ... So I don't have to die!

 (The Face of Shame)
This man's name is   Jørn Holme   (Pedophile member of the Filadelfia Church of Oslo). He is the chief judge in Vestfold District Court in Norway. He kills children

 (The Elders - UN)

 (Banned TV)
Emergency Saturday Broadcast! Globalist Set To Launch War With Russia To Cover The Collapse Of The COVID Narrative

 (Responsible Statecraft)
Pedophile Jens Stoltenberg needs to calm it down
Gab: #Nato

  (Filadelfia Church in Oslo)
Filadelfia Church is the largest Pentecostal church. It was founded by #Satanist Thomas #Ball  Barratt in 1916. Philadelphia is to put people and our need to connect with Satan and Satan's resources.

Part 2

The Beautiful South Coast, The region with the Mane White painted Coastal Stuene, The Beautiful summers, The Good Human Christian Life. In Kristiansand Happened Baneheia-killings, THE Baneheia, Heavy dark and Spiteful, the to little girls was Found terrible injuries not far from the Military Plant richly varied Tunnel System.

Why Did This Just at the Christian South Coast? It Gets Told the illusionist Odd H. know Something More on THIS, he has a background in the Jesuits in Brazil.

He is a Central Person in This power in the south. He has built its life and activities on the Norwegian Central Globalist-Trotskyistene Chr. Lange, Fridtjof Nansen, Vidkun quisling, Carl J. Hambro, Erling Wikborg, Johan Fürstenberg Lyng, Alexander August Rein and Johan Bernhard Hjort. It was these who did Gates Vide and weighs bred Bolsheviks Delving In The Norwegian State apparatus, controlled FRA London.

Odd H. was Sent to Brazil Mid-1970s (born 1954) for To Be Jesuit graduate of a university in Rio de Janeiro. He Had Studied Some Portuguese In Norway First. Brazil Was The Great Land As London Never Ever Had Won Kloa I, All Other World States of over 3 million Square Kilometers have been or are substrate Command from "The Crown" - Apart from parts OF US. Men Not Everything Went as Glatt. The American Confederacy OF type Florida and Texas, we see that they are struggling with today.
Part 3
Odd H. was Sent to Brazil Mid-1970s (born 1954) for To Be Jesuit graduate of a university in Rio de Janeiro.

Princess Ragnhild had the same purpose of living in Brazil as Odd H. had by educating herself there: It was important to get "The Crown" gateways in Brazil that no one would suspect. But now is the time to say no, as Odd's niece will lead the UN Security Council from 01.01.2022.
Part 4
Odds niece will lead the Security Council in the UN from 01.01.2022. She gets in there with sailing time from the League of Nations in Switzerland, which we should be able to comprehend during the Corona campaign has full dominance over the UN talk club in New York.

We have been naive, we who thought that the UN in Manhattan is the basis of the planned world government, but these people do not want to risk the American middle class having access to the innermost thugs. The dark basement rooms, which are not so easy to build in Manhattan, can quickly be blown up in Switzerland's bedrock.

The NWO project's department Norway has our Folkeforbund-Trine, extremely artificially non-famous, but in the threads right behind pulls her uncle Odd H., Norway's unknown Brazilian agent.

Trine Skarbøvik Heimerback will take over the chairmanship of the Security Council from 1 January 2022. Does she do it on behalf of Norway? Hardly, because she has not raised a finger to support ethnic Norwegians with self-owned family businesses. Only a few insiders know who she really is, and that her main task at the UN is to continue the League of Nations in Switzerland, which was never closed down, but only made a rapid change of costume in 1946 and called itself a UN organization in Geneva.
Part 5
Norway, a leading NWO country?

Norway's most important NWO task has always been to continue the League of Nations project to the war profiteers from the First World War. This task was entrusted to us very early, already in 1901, and it was Christian Lous Lange who was given this task by virtue of awarding the first rounds of the Nobel Peace Prize, and the very first prize (1901) went to Henri Dunant.

The man who built the very foundation of the League of Nations the infamous charity Red Cross. Chr. Lous Lange's life's work has plagued Norway for 120 years: Lange managed to nail our permanent submission under London, especially when he presented his draft of the League of Nations

Treaty of 1919 and obtained the Nobel Prize for himself in 1921. He shaped his own son Halvard Lange to govern "our" London foreign policy 1945-1965.
Part 6
The foundation of the League of Nations in Geneva is and remains the Red Cross.

The Geneva Convention on which the Red Cross is based is about taking care of disabled soldiers to convey the Donald stories of villains and heroes, 60-70 years after they as soldiers put their lives into the naive belief in the lies of the liars.

The best camouflaged business idea of all time from the war profiteers bears the name Red Cross and provides long-term profit in the form of free propaganda from survivors who put their lives on the line for a lost cause.

The healthy and healthy soldiers are deprived of all human dignity in the "humanitarian" Geneva Convention, so that they can be killed quickly on the battlefield, but their grave monuments do not create seductive propaganda. Only injured eyewitnesses provide steady long-term returns both in terms of the horrors of war and the lies about heroes and villains.

The lies that form the basis for the "world war football match" where the whole world is cleverly divided into two separate teams, set up to fight against each other, but unable to aim at their puppet masters - the directors of the war.

The blood-red-made organization Red Cross still forms the foundation for all the ugly budding shootings Geneva's operative cancerous tumor Folkeforbundet has delivered in the last 50 years: WEF, GAVI, CEPI plus a number of subdivisions. All of these are private companies subject to the international banking cartels based in Basel
Part 7
The first era of Lange foreign policy 1901-1921 sits in the Corona walls 2021: C.L. Lange's own sister Ellen Lous Lange has a Corona descendant.

Her grandson Tore Godal (born 1939) has founded both GAVI 2000 and CEPI 2017, these two organizations that plague the entire globe with the pharmaceutical Corona co-ordination.

Tore Godal sits in his Torshov office right by the Akerselva, where CEPI is in charge of global coordination of the Corona hoax, coordination of lockdown (WEF) and syringes (WHO / GAVI).

These institutions form the core of the upgraded League of Nations 2021. For exactly 100 years, the monster has grown steadily in one and the same city of Geneva. 100 years after Tore Godal's great-uncle Chr. Lous Lange received the Nobel Prize on 10.12.1921 for being behind the draft of the League of Nations Treaty. "It's all in the family."
Part 8

The blood-red make-up organization Red Cross still forms the foundation for all the ugly shootings Geneva's operative cancerous tumor League of Nations has delivered in the last 50 years: WEF, GAVI, CEPI plus a number of subdivisions. All of these are private companies subject to the international banking cartels based in Basel (BIS).

Gates Foundation, Norway Contribute $1 Billion to Increase Child Immunization in Developing Countries
Part 9
The first buck with the oatmeal bag for Norges Bank was the treasurer and co-director David Paulsen Thrane. He was a Norwegian with relatives from Østfold, and he was rewarded for mastering the art of bribery when Norges Bank was established in 1816. Therefore, the Hambro people let him become treasurer of their private bank, since he had managed to persuade the Storting, something these intruders could not power with its Danish language. He had the legendary son Marcus the following year (1817), and the bankers trusted that David promised to teach his son the art of bribery. It was absolutely crucial to start the Marxist world project 1848-1849, when Oslo (first Drammen) was the arena where the bribe part of the banksters' Marxism project was to be tested: How to rig a labor movement up at record speed and down again painlessly, without leaving traces?

We can jump from "Thrane 1" in Oslo 1849 and to "Thrane 2" in Oslo 2017 - the 200th anniversary of Marcus Thrane's birth in 1817. CEPI was formed in 2017, as a resonance of the Thrane bribe. Because the pandemic control unit CEPI has the non-random address Marcus Thranes gate 2, we suspect that Oslo has once again been given the role Kristiania had during the Marcus Thrane-1 project in the 1850s. Oslo was a controlled test arena for Marxism before London invited Marx and financed him. Norway and Sweden have different roles, as important test countries for world communism. The villains can not physically hide away in our countries, but they can appear with a facade that is the exact opposite of what they are doing in secret. And they can make quirky occult markings that are only for the initiates to understand.
Back to Trotskist threads in deep state's increasingly interconnected Jesuit Trotskism

It was important for London to have a Soviet Ambassador Alexandra collontaj in war infrastructure delivery country Sweden (Switzerland and Sweden constitute the profanary alliance of countries to be kept outside the villains and heroes narrative to Bankster organizers in London in London WW1 and WW2). It was important that Stalin did not have direct control of the Soviet Embassy in Stockholm. The NWO project needed that the Trotskism got slumper below the surface of the Scandinavian social democracy.

AKP was Trotsistically and therefore enjoyed a broad discreet sympathy from many social supports, while NKP remained a stalinist curiosity
Part 10
The test of patience "the Cold War" still had to be conducted by the Stalinists who were not bloodthirsty people to the same degree as the Trotskyists. The Trotskyists in the West could not take over NATO for good until 1991, and marked this with the starting shot in Sarajevo in January 1991 (European Championships on skates), 77 years after the even more famous shot in Sarajevo in 1914. Important things happened day by day in January 1991: « The Ski King of Norway »King Olav V died on 17 January 1991. The 1991 Ice Skating Championships were held on 18, 19 and 20 January 1991 on the art course in Zetra, Sarajevo in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia. The "Skating King of Europe" who was crowned in Sarajevo on January 20, 1991, was Johann Olav Koss. An important lunar holiday in astrology, the day when the sun leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius' constellation.

"Sailor King of Norway" King Harald took his oath to the Storting in accordance with Article 9 of the Constitution right after this occult lunar holiday, 21 January 1991. The swearing in took place during a solemn ceremony in the Storting. President of the Storting Jo Benkow read the announcement of King Olav's death, before the King took the oath: "I promise and swear to want to rule the Kingdom of Norway in accordance with its constitution and laws, so help me God Almighty and omniscient!" Like his father and grandfather, he chose the language of choice Everything for Norway. Note that Kabbalist Benkow - with the Kollontaj figure Gro as prime minister - was dependent on occult star worship at the inauguration of the king. Gro wanted Jo as his formal superior in rank, but it was KÃ¥re Willoch's task to blue-wash Conservative-Bolshevik Josef Benkowitz.
Part 11
"Sailor King of Norway" King Harald took his oath to the Storting in accordance with Article 9 of the Constitution right after this occult lunar holiday, 21 January 1991. The swearing in took place during a solemn ceremony in the Storting. President of the Storting Jo Benkow read the announcement of King Olav's death, before the King took the oath: "I promise and swear to want to rule the Kingdom of Norway in accordance with its constitution and laws, so help me God Almighty and omniscient!" Like his father and grandfather, he chose the language of choice Everything for Norway. Note that Kabbalist Benkow - with the Kollontaj figure Gro as prime minister - was dependent on occult star worship at the inauguration of the king. Gro wanted Jo as his formal superior in rank, but it was KÃ¥re Willoch's task to blue-wash Conservative-Bolshevik Josef Benkowitz.

NATO made a Trotskyist change of heart in 1991, as the Soviet Union was dismantled after 69 years (1922-1991). NATO changed its character from a passive defense pact to an aggressive warlord from 1991. Both the Gulf War with NATO involved and the NATO-dominated war in Yugoslavia escalated in 1991. Sarajevo's ice rink where Koss was crowned in 1991 was bombed to pieces from 1992, and this 1984 Winter Olympics Zeus Arena fairly close to Greece will never be rebuilt.

The top three in rank in Norway when Trotskyism was finally made a living in 1991 were King Harald, Josef Benkowitz and Gro Harlem Brundtland. The latter two began the work of forming a regime as they wished. Exactly such people as "Jo Benkow" were banned from the Kingdom in 1814, but Trojan horses made sure that they came in as early as 1816, as owners of the private Norges Bank, and we have struggled with them since then. The Jesuits came in a little later, and today there is one such as prime minister, aligned with the fact that the pope is also a Jesuit, the first such as Jonas is our first Jesuit-educated prime minister. Jonas has his newly ordained lady-priest Marit Slagsvold in the «embassy cathedral» Uranienborg church. Jonas' wife makes no secret of the fact that she stands for Jesuit (Ignatian) theology, the worst Trojan horse the Lutheran church can get inside. The Catholics do not accept female Jesuit priests within their own ranks. Mrs Marit should nevertheless be thanked for expressing what Jonas stands for. The story is quite clear that Jesuit regimes have a scale of violence - and some of us think of the place names Kongsberg and Bislett.
Who are Sweden's powerful Wallenberg family?

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