3 years ago

This short film reveals the campaign to normalize chemical cloud formations via atmospheric aerosol dispersals. The war on weather is surreal, with climate engineering, frequency control and CIA manipulation, this film's narrative unfolds through a historical timeline of experimentation on humanity, bringing us to a modern day laboratory that encompasses the air we breath and dictates when and where the sun shall shine, or not.
The psychopaths tell us exactly what they’ve been doing with to the weather, trying to play god. They hide things like this in plain sight, as a way to be free of karma- "we told you we were doing it"
Project Cirrus was the first attempt to modify a hurricane. Cirrus was canceled, and lawsuits were threatened. Project Cumulus was a 1950s UK government initiative to investigate weather manipulation, in particular through cloud seeding experiments. Known jokingly internally as Operation Witch Doctor, the project was operational between 1949 and 1952 and said to of caused major floods. Project Skyfire,” an operation to experiment with control of lightning by cloud seeding.
In the most disturbing of all Operation RANCHHAND, the United States sprayed herbicides over forested regions to deny the Viet Cong jungle cover and food supplies. Children were reported to be born with no fingers due to the sprayed poison
FrankenSkies is an 80 minute documentary regarding the Solar Geoengineering/Chemtrail agenda that affects every living being on earth

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