Abdur Rahman Hassan - Sharh Aqeeda Ar Razi'een

3 years ago

Abdur Rahman Hassan - Sharh Aqeeda Ar-Razi'een

Details of the Book/Treatise:

This treatise is famously known as ‘The Aqeedah (creed) of the two Razis’, namely; Abu Haatim ar-Razi (d.277 AH) and Abu Zur’ah ar-Razi (d.264 AH), both from the era of the illustrious Salaf as-Saalih (pious predecessors). The treatise is actually known as ‘Asl as-sunnah wa-i’tiqaad ad-Deen’ (The Foundation of the Sunnah and the belief of the religion), the two authors explain and clarify in a simple concise manner, the creed of the early Muslims and that which oppresses it from unorthodox doctrine and deviant sects. It touches upon core subjects of creedal dispute amongst the Muslims of their time, subjects pertaining to Iman (faith), the Quran, the attributes of Allah, the affairs
of the Akhirah (hereafter) and interaction with other Muslims sects. This work has received full scholarly acceptance from across the Islamic world, as is stated at the start of the treatise: “We met the scholars from all horizons; Hijaz, Iraq, Egypt, Syria and Yemen, and it was from their creed…” this demonstrates that the creed held within these lands was common, unlike unorthodox creeds which would tend to crop up from distant lands being unknown to other Muslims, an example of this being the creed of the Kharajites, which emanated from Iraq or the doctrine of the Raafidha Shiites who
also arose from the same area.

The point to be made is that this creed mentioned in the treatise has an origin, and its origin was none other than the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) himself and his companions (may Allah be pleased with them all). All of that which is mentioned within this work is based solely upon the pure pristine teachings of the Prophet (ﷺ) as was revealed to him by Allah Most High. This work serves as a foundation for the creed of every Muslim who is learning or in search of the truth regarding the correct doctrine held by the early Muslim generations.

You can grab a copy of the PDF from our brother Abu Khadeejah ‘Abdul Wahid’s website for further reading.


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