World Bigfoot Radio #128 pt. 1 ~ Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization / Kelly Shaw

3 years ago

The main man from R.M.S.O., Mr. Kelly Shaw has finally stopped by World Bigfoot Central and taken time for a chat! KELLY is currently celebrating 10 Years as a You Tube content creator, and more years than that out in the field finding evidence of Sasquatch, He has also appeared on Survivorman Bigfoot with Les Stroud, and had had video he has taken analyzed on ThinkerThunker's channel! Don't miss this show! Contact at: Become a co-producer, send your support to: PAYPAL.ME/WORLDBIGFOOTCENTRAL SWAG available at: TEESPRING.COM/STORES/WORLD-BIGFOOT-CENTRAL. Thanks for watching and share with your friends!

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