Freedom Convoy 2022 Vernon, British Columbia

3 years ago

More than 400 Vernon & area Canadian Patriots come out to show our support for the Freedom Convoy 2022 now completing its journey in Ottawa, Canada - the seat of government. While mainstream media attempts to spin this as a 'fringe minority' group with racial and homophobic false accusations abounding, particularly with national disgraces including CBC and Toronto Star, genuine, principled Canadians know that this is simply about taking back individual freedoms and our normal daily lives.

The consequences of this day Canada wide will be far reaching - or there will be another larger, more vocal and determined expression of support from Freedom Loving Canadians at another, not too far distant, date.

We join all patriotic Canadians in helping to support and celebrate this important day - and the trucking industry and others who have steadfastly maintained their resolve to keep Canada a better place, with equal opportunity, equal treatment under the law and equal access to our fundamental, inalienable rights.

Glen Walushka,
Voice of the West

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