Say No To Gold

3 years ago
Top stories of the week:
1) Trucker convoy to Ottawa is emboldening those who have felt voiceless for the past two years. It also goes to demonstrate that trust in government in Canada and abroad is at all time lows. This convoy may mean different things for different people but they share the common ground of being Canadian.
2) The Fed is trapped! If they raise rates and they will collapse the economy. If they print money they will put the last nail in the dollar coffin. What will happen when the "Tinker" narrative fails?
3) Prices for gold and silver fell into options expiry on the Comex. This is an event that well recognized by long-term investors and it no longer scares anyone. In fact, physical buying picks up immensely during these dips now only adding pressure to the physical market; bringing us yet another step closer to the collapse of the paper market.

John Heinzl recently penned an article for the Globe and Mail titled "Why I just say no to gold and crypto". Today on the show, we break down the article piece by piece to show how the arguments are simply not credible.
We also bring in an article from CFA Seth Levin who shares his thoughts on gold in the article titled "How Gold Lost It's Inflation Luster".
It's interesting to hear Levin's take on gold in contrast to Heinzl's.

Can you take delivery of gold from an RSP? We get to listener's questions in our new Q&A segment.

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