Let's Go Brandon #LGBChallenge by HickoryTDAU | Drunk Magician Raps on Bryson Gray's Beat

3 years ago

Let's Go Brandon LGB Challenge by Bryson Gray and Hickory The Drunk & Underwhelming

Well.. I'm not a rapper. I'm a Drunk Magician, who does reactions, but I wrote this this morning, and recorded it in about an hour, like I did For Burden's 'F Biden'

Thanks to Bryson for making this opportunity available!

My Burden F-Biden Verse: https://youtu.be/GWBD3yXMp04

Obvioulsy, I didn't create this song or Beat, but i did write, perform, and record this all by myself!

Thanks Guys!

#LGBChallenge #brysongray #hickorytdau

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