Jordan Peterson on Joe Rogan Podcast

3 years ago

JP: Well, well, Joe, No actually I don't think that's correct. There's a common misconception in modern academia that to be right you have to be nice. You don't have to be nice. You have to be fair. And, and, you have to - test things. You can't go through your whole life being nice. Because life isn't easy. It's hard. It's really damn hard. And, you know, well- well, I think the proof is in the pudding, I suppose.

Rogan: A lot of these people seem like they don't like you because they don't like to hear that.

JP: Well, of course they don't. They were raised in a world that never told them No. No one ever sat them down and said "Hey!" - "Stop that!" - "You're going to waste your life!" And they pay for it, Joe, you know, I've- I've met a lot of young men over the last few years. And most of these young men they- it's sad, Joe, it's really very sad, when you see them and you talk to them, you know, and you get this sense that... they don't know where to go or what to do. They're told not to be a Man. It's just the opposite. The world needs Men. It needs strong Men. Men with values, with Ethics. And for the young women, ha, well. Well, when it comes to most young women nowadays, well I think the proof is in the pudding, I suppose.

Rogan: You're really right when you say that Men have forgotten how to be Men. I was reading an article the other day, it was saying that 90% of Young Men don't want a family. I think that's what it said, Jamie... could you.. OK, right, here it is. "75% of Young Men say they don't want a family. A recent study shows that up to and including 60-75% of Young Men who were polled by a similar study in 2018 responded that they Don't Want A Family."

JP: Well, sure... I mean that's why I do what I do Joe. I think it's important. It's really Bloody important. And, well, you know, I guess - well, you said it before, Young Men aren't willing to Go Ape and Embrace the Chimp. And as far as that goes, well I suppose the proof is in the pudding, isn't it?

Rogan: You like whiskey?

JP: Oh, I don't know- from time to time, yes, but-

Rogan: This is a 50 year old whiskey, Eddie Bravo picked it up for me in Mexico.

JP: Oh, that's beautiful. Wow.

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