Worldwide, Truckers unite in Freedom Convoys to defeat Globalists & their AIDS VAX Mandates

3 years ago

BREAKING: Malthusian De-population Globalists and their army of godless scientists were just disclosed by Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, Dr, Bryan Ardis, virology researcher lab techs & whistle blowing members of Germany's Federal Ministry of Health, along with other truth telling scientists and medical doctors - all revealing that the mRNA vaccines are a having deleterious impact on our sacred human immunity systems. In sum, the nano bio chemical "message" from the RNA messenger molecules has (witting or unwitting) actually "tricked" our immunity system into thinking that it needs to attack itself as well as the organs of our bodies, because this novel vaccine creates or mimics the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.

All of this sounded quite clever until these spike proteins are spread throughout the body (not just at the vaccination entry point as in traditional vaccines) triggering a robust & often injurious inflammatory response by our immunity system. In a nutshell, this is causing a breakdown of our natural immunity from all types of disease leading to symptoms in injectees that are similar to that of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). On the next report we will be giving remedies for this but the fact remains- these truckers are fighting for more than just ending Canada's authoritarian vaccine mandates,
Witting or unwitting, these Truckers are fighting to save the human race from globalist Malthusian de-pop serums. Sad, very sad but true.
These Frankenstein Doctors and researchers got too wise for their own good and in tinkering with the micro creations of God have opened up a Pandora's box of disease and judgement on a macro scale never before witnessed in human history.

Well, 50,000 Truckers in Freedom Convoy are fighting back as they protest in mass (now worldwide) the Malthusian AIDS Vaccine Passports as Trudeau flees Ottawa Capital. Truckers Freedom Convoy protest Vaccine Passports: Trudeau is now officially in hiding. Worldwide, Truckers are uniting in Freedom Convoys to defeat Globalists & their tyrannical VACCINE Mandates. The truckers are demanding full disclosure of the ingredients of these vaccines which innocent billions across the planet have been cajoled or forced mandated to take despite their health concerns surrounding these novel, "gene therapy" mRNA vaccines ... This madness must STOP NOW! Sadly Biden, Trump, Trudeau etc. are all a part of it - paid off by Global Caps Big Pharma and Chinese finance houses, hedge funds, international banksters etc.
The freedom stealing PM Justin Trudeau is a Socialist coward as the people rise up to peacefully protest medical & vaccine tyranny as part of a record breaking Truck train to Canada's Capital in Ottawa.
God's blessings on these patriots and their families.
God's blessings to all from InspoNews and The Good Shepherd News Channel.

Psalm 91, Matthew 8:17, 1 Corinthians 10:13
Ephesians 3:20-21

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