No One Is Above The Law Original

2 years ago

A song that I wrote recently, copyrighted…filmed and directed by the lovely and sweet, Ms Cutter
C-No one is above the law, we now know that that is untrue
Because of everything that Joe Biden has been allowed to do
He thinks that he is a king who is in charge and rules
Destroying everything that we hold dear under the red, white, and blue
1-Back when Trump was in office all of the Democrats loved to say
No one is above the law, it was on their lips everyday
But, now that we’ve got a lawless commander and chief
Out of Pelosi and her brood you will never hear a peep
2-Biden and Harris have both failed to secure our border
We’ve been invaded and it’s all because they’ve created this chaos and disorder
Yet they love to point their fingers as if it is all Trump’s fault
When he had things under control, yeah, he was the boss
3-If Trump had of told all of these lies and had done all of these things
He would perpetually be being impeached over and over again
And likely he would be thrown in jail by now, I think that you would agree
Unlike Biden who is being allowed to reign and rule lawlessly…

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