US coup conspiracy exposed in Ukraine, 2013

2 years ago

Coup? regime change? civil war? colour revolution?

Call it what you will, but on 20th November 2013, Oleg Tsaryov, a Ukrainian People's Deputy (Member of Parliament), made a speech at the Rada (national Parliament) outlining a plot by US trained & funded NGOs, orchestrated by the US Embassy, to foment a coup in Ukraine.

The very next day, on the 21st November 2013, the Euromaidan (Euro Square) protests began.

By February 2014, the protests had escalated thanks to false flag snipers (reportedly under the command of US military) murdering police & protestors, and a 'colour revolution' brought about the regime change desired by Washington.

Italy report on snipers under US command brought in for Euromaidan false flag:

Oliver Stone's brilliant film on Ukraine:

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