He Is The Antichrist- Obama Dream- Rapture Rescue For Faithful 11/5-11/11?? 144 726

3 years ago

The Lord JESUS is always good. I finished this video at 4:41. In www.biblenumbersforlife.com 144 is JESUS IS LORD. I had a dream about Obama being the Antichrist again when I hadn't dreamed about him since October 2019. Please check out my Antichrist Warning- Wake Up playlist. @Joseph Acquaviva2222 has many videos about it too, and funny that his baby girl was just born on my birthday November 3. I am not a flat earther though, nor do I believe that the viper bite is the full mark of the beast. We could be raptured any day, so we watch and stay ready since we don't know the day and hour.

Revelation 3:10-11
Numbers 13-14
Psalm 119-122
James 1:22 Don't just listen to God's word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.

The word RESCUE is 324 times in the NLT, and I see 324 a lot.

The When I Call On Jesus song also reminds me of Isaiah 40.

Regarding divorce and remarriage among "Christians": God doesn't forgive the sin of remarriage adultery unless they leave the adultery. Same as God doesn't forgive homosexual marriage unless they leave it. Repentance is to confess and forsake the sin. By the fear of the Lord men depart from iniquity. What's even worse is that they think they are believers, so we must not have anything to do with them and turn them over to Satan- 1 Corinthians 5. We don't judge the world, but we do judge those who claim to be Christians. We are not to even eat a meal with them after we warn them that they are in sin that leads to hell. I tell people to study Mark 10:1-12, Luke 16:14-18, Romans 7:1-3, 1 Corinthians 7:10-11 & 39 and 1 Thessalonians 4:1-13.

God will forgive anyone who repents like David did in Psalm 51 or the woman caught in adultery, but then the command is to "go and sin no more." Hebrews 13:4 also says that God will judge the forinicator (premarital) and adulterer. Revelation 2 says that those in adultery as believers (Jezebel spirit) will go into the Tribulation and their children killed if they don't repent before the rapture. My channel has a done many videos about this in love to warn the people like a watchwoman (Ezekiel2-3 and 33). Most people can't accept it and have a hard time thinking about loved ones who died and went to hell for this. The Holy Spirit wants us holy and sanctified. Maranatha.

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