64 01 26 0295B STS ~ John 1:2-5; John 5:36 - Jan 26 1964 - Dr. Wierwille KJV bible teaching english

3 years ago

Scripture Index: John 1:2-5; John 5:36-38 (partial transcription)
... He has done this basically all through the years through his revealed Word which is the bible. Manifested in writing in the bible and secondly manifested creatively in his son Jesus Christ. That is why I know that what we believe and teach on this verse is accurate because it's backed up, Bob, with all the rest of the Word of God.

Now verse two.

John1:2 The same [the same what? The same revealed word and created word - creative word] was with God.

The same was in the beginning with what? [God] Now this is this is a repetition of what we just read in verse one right? Why is it twice? [Answers in the background.]

Huh? Nope. Come on! Who said that? Amen Eddie. What did I teach you in the advanced class if anything is given twice? That's why it's figure. But it's bigger than this. It's a figure of speech but it's established. Whenever God, Whenever God puts anything double; whenever it's doubled in the Word it's always established. And this is so great this is so magnificent so wonderful that God wrote it - holy men of God - they wrote it and God said write it right over [again] so that when the people at The Way Headquarters read it they'll know it's established.
[ https://youtu.be/KG70w8YOQS4 ]
Well I don't know anybody else who reads it. That's right. Why the commentaries don't know what they're talking about. That's why I put it in here. It's established.

Now, there is one word in here that really puts the clincher on this thing and that's the preposition with W-I-T-H.

[John 1:1b] And the word was with God and the Word was God the same was in the beginning with God.

Those two withs - W-I-T-H - The Greek word used is the word pros, pros, P-R-O-S. There are, oh I don't know 15 or 20 different [Greek] prepositions. Five or six of them all translated "with." But there's only one that fits here. If this particular one was not here your bible would fall to pieces it's that important. This word pros used here this preposition with if any of the other prepositions were used you wouldn't have a leg to stand on. But this one sets it like a vice it just puts it there and squeezes the life out of it. Because the word pros means together, together. [writing - this is supposed to be an e.] My brother Harry said after the television day even I was learning to write. Now that's a compliment from him. Because I was going to send a letter to someone a while back or do something and he was supposed to sign it and he said "Boy," he said "I'd never sign my name to that." Because I had written it. [laughter]

The word pros. It means together with. This is what its basic meaning is: "together with and yet distinct, independent." Hey that's something! That's the word pros - with - together with and yet distinctly independent.

All right now look: the revealed word the written word was together with - was togeher with - God and yet this is distinctly what? [Independent.] You can smell it, taste it. Isn't that something? All right now about Jesus Christ? Isn't that wonderful? Oh praise the Lord if that doesn't thrill your heart, you are hopeless. This just - this just takes it out of the category of guesswork and puts it into semantics logical sequence and order with the great accuracy of law that's used in language. The word pros, always whenever it's used in the bible this word pros always means together with but yet it is distinct and independent. It's distinct independence. That's why in the beginning was God and the revealed Word was with God, with Him, yet independent of Him and the Word was God the same was in the beginning with God. That's why its in that sense. Okay? That's wonderful.

You know verse 2 literally could read: The same written Word, bible, was the same written Word bible and created word, Christ, was in the beginning with God. That's how it could read. . . .

Verse 36. Perhaps before we get to verse 3 we ought to turn to John 5. If I remember correctly Rachel Wyatt, you were the one that called this to my attention this summer. John 5 and she was in this class this summer when I taught this originally and she called our attention to something here that I think we ought to be reminded of again tonight. verse 36, John 5.

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