67 01 29 0244 STS Our Rewards Jan 29 1967 Dr. Wierwille bible english lesson

2 years ago

Scripture Index: 1 Corinthians 9:25-27; James 1:12-13; 2 Timothy 2:15; Acts 2:22; (John 10:10; Romans 8:37); 1 Thessalonians 2:19; 1 Peter 5:2-4; 2 Timothy 4:7, 8; Colossians 1:5, 6; (Romans 14:10); 1 Corinthians 16:13; Joshua 1:9; (Ephesians 6:11ff)
youtube - https://youtu.be/h5O6BN2PgJg

I want to speak to you tonight in a little different way than I ordinarily teach on Sunday night because of the way of which I've been led on this the closing session of this men's advance I want to speak to you on a subject and then bring the scriptures along with it that will just I believe bless your heart the subject I want to deal with tonight is the Victor's Crown.

Some of you perhaps have seen a gasoline sign where it has a runner, like an olympic - olympic runner or some distant runner. I think you speak of it as a marathon runner who is in competition. And you have seen the sign and the words under the sign which says "Best in the Long Run." The Word of God is the best in the long run. Sometimes when men look at it just for the moment they, they think it it just doesn't work. But this Word of God is always the best not only in the - in the immediate moment, but in the long run. And as someone said from this teaching platform this weekend: "The Word of God will accomplish what God said it was to accomplish. The Word of God will never return unto us void." I have said to my people in the teaching sessions time and time again: if you want to travel fast and far you have to travel light. You cannot travel fast and far and be burdened down with all the anxieties of the world, with all the fears of the world, with all those problems with which people are apparently engrossed. You and I have to get to the place that we know we've been set free in Christ Jesus and that we need not have any anxiety; that we need not have fears; that we need not live in frustrations; but that we can live with that effervescence and glow of the presence of the power of Christ within us. And that we can walk with that wonderful walk as someone said with the spring of Christ in your soul. It's a tremendous thing. And therefore because of what God has wrought within our hearts we as men can travel fast and far because we're traveling light, we're traveling light. To the end that we have no fear no worry no anxieties no frustrations we just travel light because we have the presence of Christ who lifts us up and who makes us walk with a tremendous walk. It is he who renews our strength day by day like the eagle's strength is renewed. It is he who hath set us upon our high places. It is God who has wrought this within our souls so that you and I might be the greatness of his power and manifestation in the world in which we live today. God has called us at a wonderful time. God has called us to a wonderful ministry and he's given us the opportunity to walk in this world with the effervescence and with the glow with the enthusiasm and the conviction and the knowledge of God's Word that it'll just set men's hearts on fire who are hungry for this wonderful Word of God.

In 1 Corinthians chapter 9 from the scripture lesson that Reverend Chamberlain read a little earlier this evening talking about the Victor's crown: There are five crowns mentioned in the Word of God and I want to bring these to your attention tonight. There is the Crown Incorruptible. There is the Crown of Life. There is the Crown of Rejoicing. The Crown of Glory. And the Crown of Righteousness. Here in the 25th verse of this ninth chapter we read:

[1 Corinthians 9:25] And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate [temperate] in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we [but we do it to obtain a what?] an incorruptible.

What a tremendous truth this is, and as I've told you: you've seen the sign that says it's best in the long run, the man indicating that he's running for a crown which is just temporary and it's a corruptable crown. And yet look at the amount of discipline the amount of time they put in to run this race, for instance. How these athletes train, how they condition their body. And they do this and only one can win. But ladies and gentlemen you and I can win; all of us can win in Christ Jesus. But in a world situation where men spend their time their effort put forth their energies and everything yet only one can win.
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