President Donald Sermon 2 – Lofty Principles of Gettysburg Address Applies to Political Campaign

3 years ago

The Donald presents Part 2 of his Sunday sermon, building upon the themes outlined in Part 1's sermon presented on the prior Sunday. The sermon continues in the theme built upon a current and personal interpretation of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, applying the lofty and admirable principles of Lincoln's original address to the challenges facing the citizens of the 21st Century to choose a leader in the 2020 presidential election. The Donald animated caricature is the artistic creation of Dan Youra, editorial cartoonist, whose political caricatures capture the verisimilitude of world leaders in humorously serious characters that are likable, sometimes inspiring, and always with a subtle hint of irony exposing the follies and foibles of the human behavior. View more of Youra's cartoons and caricatures at

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