Behind Enemy Lines: the DNC2k protests

2 years ago

Witness the prophetic spectacle that was the Democratic National Convention in 2000 in the film “Behind Enemy Lines: the DNC2k Protests”

This award-winning documentary was so dangerous to the democrats and the L.A.P.D. that they sent three plain clothed officers to the premiere. This documentary was used as evidence by lawyers who successfully sued the L.A.P.D. and won $5,000,000 in damages for police misconduct included in this film. Democrat hypocrisy is exposed in a strangely evolving series of events and the foreshadowing to 2022 is remarkable.

From the outset of the film, when psychedelic glittering bubbles drift above the Santa Monica pier, the contrast between the educated peace-loving protestors with police on horseback was striking in real life, and in the opening scene of the film. Behind chain link fence out of view, we then see battalions of armed men with rifles preparing for battle. All the while, the protestors were having dinner and drinks and listening to political speeches. When you take away the engaging, genuine and often humorous narration, the facts behind the images are powerful and noteworthy. So, by telling the truthful narrative of how events unfolded, the core reality of the events is left un-manipulated and open for genuine investigation by the viewer.

Filmmakers Richard Arsenault and Eva Javurek are only there at the Santa Monica Pier to gather video b-roll for some educational videos, but end up fists in the air marching alongside the protestors who they document becoming victims of intimidation, violence, and suppression in real time as they dance and sing to the issues.

You could watch this film for the bizarre and stunning visuals, the humorous story, or the shocking events portrayed. But you can also watch it for deeper reasons. First, in hindsight the oppression of the Democratic Party and their willingness to resort to any means necessary to silence opposition at the Convention foreshadowed the same behavior in 2022. The film is eerily prophetic in that regard. Second, see how issues have “flipped in 2022.” In other words, in 2000 the protestors were against police brutality, police targeting black people and police corruption, but the mainstream media was then silent on these issues. In 2000, mainstream media didn’t give a damn about the issue of police brutality or black rights. In 2022 the situation is exactly flipped! Police departments being de-funded and massive riots have occurred over police brutality. Mainstream Media has flipped 180° as well.

In 2000 protestors were vocal about immigrant rights but the media was silent. In 2022, the opposite is true. Same for environmental issue. Same for any of dozens of issues featured in this film. In 2000, there was a media blackout of the events depicted in this film. The exception was far-left KPFK, who were among the only ones who told the truth. In 2000, the only truth-tellers were the far-left media. Today, the opposite is true.

These protestors in this film were hardened veterans by the third day of police abuse and suppression. Compare that to the ”Karen” protestors of today who have no idea what sacrifice their earlier counterparts endured by way of protesting.

During the rioting and looting of recent times, protestors were occupying neighborhood blocks with no police pushback whatsoever. Their “peaceful” protests were violent and even deadly while the police just left the scene. Look at the 7,000 cops in this film and compare the two! And what were the protestors in the film doing? Intellectually discussing the issues. What were the protestors in the last couple years doing? Rioting. Murdering. Looting. Stealing. So, watch the film with that in mind and you may become furious.

Compare the mindless uneducated drones spouting hatred at Trump based on misinformation and blowing snot bubbles with non-sensical hysteria to the peaceful protestors of 2000 where thousands of innocent men, women, and children were beaten, pepper-sprayed, tear gassed, and hunted down by police to all parts of the city! People riding bicycles at the protests were given harsher sentences and kept in jail longer than looters in 2022. Compare the two! You’ll see why this film was banned by Amazon and hated by YouTube.

If you want to see how modern Democrats don’t hesitate to use brute force, brutality and censorship on their own people, and change tactics with the political winds, you need to watch Behind Enemy Lines, DNC2k Protests.

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