20XX (PC) - "Fox Only" & "Nut Zero" Achievements (Final Destination Skull, No Nut Pickups)

3 years ago

For my next 20XX Steam achievement guide, I'm using the Final Destination skull for a two-for-one deal. With the Final Destination skull, no items drop throughout the game, which means no power-ups, no shops, no nuts with which to buy things (which also ties in to the other achievement for not picking up any nuts without turning on the Bankrupt skull), no core upgrades from Glory Zones (your reward is health and energy refills instead), no slot machines, and no tokens with which to play them. However, it balances this out by letting you take a boss's power AND either an HP or Energy upgrade at the end of each level. Also, any next-run items you buy back at base will still work. Use this to your advantage. Spicy Incense is a good item to use for this challenge because it's the only way to keep making yourself stronger each level as the enemies do.
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