Zionist Power Structure Controls Trump, Biden, USA Politics

3 years ago

Surrounded by Zionist neoconservatives and Rothschild bankers, deeply invested within messianic cult Chabad Lubavitch, funded by Sheldon Adelson, Donald J Trump (888) and his MAGA (22) movement were called on to do a job, destabilise, enhance the demoralizing (hope, despair) of a dumbed down, Propagandized populace and play the role of the anti politician and lay the foundation for the patriot Act 2.0. Come on down, it will be Wild...
The narrative of fighting the Zionist owned fake news media, whilst being completely controlled by Zionists in his team can only work when people are not paying attention.

If this angers you, it's only your fear as a root emotion. Remember this clearly.. the coup of the USA by Zionists took place at JFK's assassination. Since then politics is only the entertainment arm of the corporate sector. LBJ, Obama, Clinton, Bush, Trump, Biden are only there, because they are allowed to be. Trump may well be back, because Kim Clement was Revelation of the Method, telling you before it happens.

Hope? Look who last took these Zionists to the edge of destruction and created true economic prosperity and freedoms for his people and affiliated nations. If you don't know who it was and why they demonize , lie about him relentlessly in the MSM, then you should learn. If you don't a NWO with Zionist Power at it's center will be your reward. Remember 'Corona' is a Kabbalistic Crowning power event.


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