Official Scottish data point to NEGATIVE vaxx efficacy. Cause of COVID policy U-turn?

3 years ago

Official Scottish data compares age-standardized infection rate between the vaxxed and the unvaxxed.

Age-standardized means you're comparing for example 50 year old unvaccinated people with 50 year old vaccinated people, to approach an apples-to-apples comparison.

It's also important that these are rates, i.e. the number of cases for each 100 000 people in either the vaccinated or the unvaccinated group. This neutralizes the argument that "of course there are more cases in the vaccinated group, because the majority has been vaccinated." By looking at rates, you correct for this difference.

These data on age-standardized infection rates shows that the double dose vaccinated have MORE THAN DOUBLE the chance of testing positive compared to the unvaccinated. This possibly points to the jab harming the immune system, or at the very minimum that vaccine acquired immunity is vastly inferior to naturally acquired immunity. We now have a pandemic of the vaccinated.

These data completely neutralize the argument that you must get jabbed to protect others. Not only has it been known for many months now that the jab provides no protection against infection or transmission, but the data now point to the vaxxed being a HIGHER infection risk for others.

Governments might have pushed very restrictive measures, because they wanted to minimize exposure to COVID (thereby minimizing COVID morbidity and mortality) while waiting for safe and effective COVID vaccine to save the population. That turned out to be complete fiasco.

The vaccines came much sooner than expected, but that was about the only positive thing that can be said about them. They are neither safe nor effective nor necessary for the majority of the population. The mass vaccination campaign is turning out to be a colossal debacle.

The harms of the COVID measures of mass destruction have enormously outweighed their benefits, assuming there even have been benefits. Assuming the measures have slowed the spread, all they have done is reduce the build-up of natural herd immunity (i.e. the only effective kind against transmission and the only robust and durable kind against severe disease), thereby keeping the high risk group in danger for longer. Sweden has been a role model for a much better (but far from perfect) approach.

People and media are also finally waking up to the severe net harms of the COVID measures. The harm of the measures has been ignored or enormously downplayed all along. The harm of COVID has been enormously exaggerated all along. A supposed new variant omicron that only leads to mild disease (Omi-Cold) only increases the already huge disproportionality.

Perhaps, some leaders (such as Boris Johnson and Nicola Sturgeon) are now finally realizing their blunders and are making a U-turns in their COVID policy because of this new insight. This change may not only save their careers (at least in the short term) but their lives too. This explanation would be the most generous possible. Many far less generous explanations are also possible.

Since the data are incontrovertible, it's becoming ever clearer that countries (such as Israel) that are doubling down on mandates, passports and mass vaccination of children are not basing their decisions on the data and/or prioritize other factors (e.g. greed, power, ego, ideology) over public health.


Episode 252 of The HighWire, aired on January 27th, 2022 (section starts around 41 minutes in video):

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