Hamburg, Germany admits to misleading vax efficacy statistics, unjustified oppression of unvaxxed

3 years ago

Remember hearing over and over about the 'pandemic of the unvaccinated'? That was a lie.

Hamburg, the second largest city in Germany used to published statistics that 95% of hospitalized patients are unvaccinated. They used this data as justification for a lockdown of the unvaccinated.

First of all, the data are misleading because it was never clear whether the hospitalized patients where there for COVID or for an issue unrelated to COVID. This, of course, makes a huge difference.

Now Hamburg admits that in 70% of positive tests, they have no data on the vaccination status. They just dumped the people with unknown vaccination status in with the unvaccinated. Even in one third the hospitalized patients, the vaccination status was unknown.

Not only are the data in Germany misleading, but also in the U.S. (and probably elsewhere too). See:

Dr. Pierre Kory on why vaxx status of U.S. COVID hospitalized patients is PURPOSELY misleading

Many of the positive cases and hospitalized patients are not necessarily UNvaccinated, but PARTIALLY vaccinated. See:

Canadian data show immune suppression, adverse events during first weeks after first jab


Episode 252 of The HighWire, aired on January 27th, 2022 (section starts around 37 minutes in video):

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