Snakes That Give Live Birth Like Mammals.

3 years ago

Snakes may have similar body plans, but they are among the most diverse species on earth. So with nearly 3,000 snake species worldwide, it’s unsurprising to find these reptiles in varying sizes and diets.

However, one thing that’s caught most people by surprise is that snakes vary in their reproduction as well. While you’ve always known that all reptiles lay eggs, some snakes give birth to live young ones, just like mammals!

Yes, there’s more to how snakes reproduce. Keep reading to know how this is possible and what snakes give birth to live young.
How Snakes Reproduce: Oviparous, Viviparus, and Ovoviviparous
There are three distinct methods of a snake’s reproduction method. They all vary depending on the snake species. They include:
Most snakes are oviparous, which means that they reproduce by laying eggs. Therefore, the snakes must incubate and keep the eggs warm until the hatchlings emerge from the shell.
Viviparous snakes give birth to live young. There are no eggs involved at any stage of development.

In this case, the snakes nourish their developing young via a placenta or yolk sac, something that’s unusual among reptiles.

You can think of ovoviviparity as a “cross” between an egg-laying snake and one that gives live births. Ovoviviparous snakes develop non-shelled eggs inside their bodies, where the young develop from. But the young ones are usually born alive without the eggs or eggshells because they remain inside the mother.

It means that the eggs hatch inside the mother, and the baby snake emerges with no shell. Amazing!
All species of Anaconda, from the yellow Anaconda, green Anaconda, darkly-spotted Anaconda, and the Bolivian Anaconda, reproduce live young ones. Thus, they are viviparous, just like their Boa cousins.

Anacondas must have developed this method due to their predecessor’s environment. This birthing method favors these snakes because they are aquatic.

Plus, they are fierce, so any predator such as opportunistic birds and critters who feed on anaconda eggs would have to face a pregnant anaconda mother to reach the eggs.
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