A Sage in Hell, Psyche’s Dark Influence & Higherself | PLR Laron G. S.

3 years ago

This work helps people find accurate answers to any questions. It creates the opportunity for healing (‘miracles’ can occur), and expands one’s consciousness leading to greater steps on the spiritual path.

Karla first arrives in a realm of hell. Great insight comes on what hell actually is. She learns she’s been programmed and conditioned over multiple lifetimes with the dark impacting her psyche — so have many others.

A lot of healing takes place as other experiences are visited and addressed including soul retrieval and integration, and information on what higher self is made up of.

Karla’s an artist and environmental scientist. She discovered her star seed origins in 2009 and her awakening began. She’s got an affinity with the Fae and Dragon realms, her star kin and beings from the heavenly and not so heavenly realms. Karla is working on bridging her three passions of science, art and the spiritual realms.

A Tired Ancient Sage in Hell

In a physical dry rocky realm with a creamy yellow sky, Karla comes across a tired and old twelve foot bearded horned male with red skin — an ancient sage.

She carries a clay container filled with dark sticky liquid. Some of her lives that she incarnates into is to undo darkness, collecting the substance.
He’s sad as he sees the dark is only spreading. This place is one of many hells in the universe where ancient debts are discarded.

The sage is a record keeper, receiving souls who bring darkness. He discusses ways the souls can make better decisions and wishes for the darkness to lesson and souls to move towards the light.

The concept of hell is explained in relation to humanities understanding.

The Chair (37:39)

In one of Karla’s past lives she’s attached to a chair with gadgets connected. Subliminal messages are in use. Scarcity and a lack of emotions are a result, which has had a ripple effect through multiple lifetimes requiring soul retrieval.

This is implemented in a variety of ways with different technologies and has been done to millions of souls over the course of history. People need to know this so they can begin their healing.

War Loops, Healing for Awake Souls & New Arcadia (1:02:32)

She sees herself in a human war being repeated, along with those responsible for the dark fighting each other; they’ve lost themselves and starts believing that the wars were the way to move forward.

The wars also play out every day, everywhere, within families, within groups and corporations.

Now is an important time to deal with the influence of ancestral trauma. Healing advice is provided.

Soul Retrieval (1:19:31)

Why soul retrieval is important, and how there’s many versions of us that need to come together, and how to merge into one. A method is shared on how to do soul retrieval.

Healing from an Ancient Mother (1:27:00)

The trauma resulting from actions from an ancient mother is focused in on which relates to being heavily programmed and believing she is unworthy. Reptilian past lives, ancient Egypt, and similar lifeforms where there was a focus on the negative is related.

Past Life Healing (1:30:12)

I ask for Karla’s higher self to bring forth any past lives that she needs to focus on for healing.

An ancient Egyptian life, a life in Sirius B, and a dragon society experience, comes up which are all healed.

Zero Point Space Experience (1:35:15)

I request Karla have connect more into her higher self, specifically a zero point space that was mentioned earlier on.

What is the Higher Self? (1:37:16)

I ask who I am speaking to and get information about what exactly the higher self is. I also ask what the point is in having all these lives and experiences beyond the higher self.

Questions for HS (1:48:36)

• The importance of seeing the hell realm earlier in the session.
• Further healing in relation to the dark things that have been done to her.
• The soul retrieval process for those wishing to learn more.
• A scan of the body for health problems and to heal what comes up.
• Final messages from higher self.

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